Re: New version of requirements...

I agree on all three.  For 3) I assume something like "Iternational 
Guidelines for Web Service Implementers and Developers" with a 
"check-off" list keyed back to the Requirements and Scenarios.


Addison Phillips [wM] wrote:

>Hi Tex,
>Thanks for the comments.
>1. I thought of adding the links. Just didn't have time to figure it out.
>2. Agreed. I'll make that change.
>3. That's a good idea. Folks: any objections to adding this as a requirement?
>Addison P. Phillips
>Director, Globalization Architecture
>webMethods | Delivering Global Business Visibility
>Chair, W3C Internationalization (I18N) Working Group
>Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force
>Internationalization is an architecture. 
>It is not a feature.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[]On Behalf Of Tex Texin
>>Sent: 2003年12月3日 15:49
>>Subject: Re: New version of requirements...
>>Thanks for all the work you did. It reads much better and is more to the
>>point. I'll try to make a more detailed pass over it this evening.
>>1) It is perhaps too much work now, but it would be very nice if the
>>each requirement referenced the relevant scenario(s) in the scenario
>>document. That would help people understand the justification for the
>>requirement as well as tie in the other work. I wouldn't include any
>>text, just add links at the end of each requirement. (e.g. see scenarios
>>link1, link2.)
>>2) The headings are now much clearer. I might change r005 to be
>>"Standard for Locale Identification" or "Standardized Approach to Locale
>>3) I wonder how web service designers will be able to know which
>>international considerations they must take into account when designing
>>or describing their services. I suggest there might be a requirement for
>>Guidelines for Web Services Internationalization to accompany the other
>>I think anyone reading the other requirements will have this question,
>>so it is worth addressing and it paves the way for our future tasks...
>>Very good work Addison!
>>"Addison Phillips [wM]" wrote:
>>>I have incorporated Tex's comments, done another round of 
>>wordsmithing, and uploaded the results.
>>>Following Tex's suggestion, I have split the requirements into 
>>problem statement and requirement, which has meant very extensive 
>>revision of some of the requirements and the addition of a fair 
>>amount of text. The result, I think, is much clearer to external readers.
>>>I have tried to be as generic as possible in setting up the 
>>requirements, but at least a couple of them are now fairly 
>>specific. Please take a close look at the new version (online now 
>>in both HTML and XML formats).
>>>Addison P. Phillips
>>>Director, Globalization Architecture
>>>webMethods | Delivering Global Business Visibility
>>>Chair, W3C Internationalization (I18N) Working Group
>>>Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force
>>>Internationalization is an architecture.
>>>It is not a feature.
>>Tex Texin   cell: +1 781 789 1898
>>Xen Master                
>>Making e-Business Work Around the World

Michael McKenna
Globalisation Architect

California Digital LIbrary
University of California Office of the President

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2003 17:21:50 UTC