WSTF Teleconference Notes for last week

Present: Andrea, Martin, Tex, Deb, self (chair, scribe)
Not: Mike, Takao

f2f: networking arranged. no sign-ins needed. catering and coffee coming along.

> Action Items:
> =============
> - Tex: Post early WSDL review comments.
         (in awhile)
> - All: Please review and contribute additional Scenarios
> - All: Please sign up for your 3-4 WS-Architecture scenarios
         (Andrea signed up for three: where are yours?)
> - Deb/Addison: Review WSUSWD to ensure that references to "profiles" are agnostic 
         (no progress)
> - Andrea/Addison: Figure out who will host F2F (done)
> - Addison: Send Andrea link to F2F tips and tricks (done)
> - Addison: Revise teleconference reminder to include links (done)
         Links look good.
> - Addison: Remind all about need to work on WSUSWD
         (need to send)

AP> to send announcement. ig list and public

AV> hours for f2f? 9-6 each day.

AP> prep. What do we want to accomplish in the next month to six weeks to ensure we achieve what we want to.
AP> what to include in Usage Scenarios: 

Main groups    : WSAG, SOAP, WSDL
Lesser groups  : Choreography
Outside groups : WS-I basic profile

MD> Please add comparator meeting review into agenda

AP> We should cover WSAG plus SOAP 1.2 and WSDL 1.x
DB> (Review): There is the SOAP i18n problem. SOAPFault Reason attribute. What should we do with this?

(Discussion: We have worked around it in current Usage Scenarios. There is still the implementation issue. This is something we can provide best practices for, etc.)

AP> Let's look back at WSUSWD to see where we each individually think we are at with this effort. We should create individual position statements on what needs to be in the final document.
AV> We should try for the "moral higher ground". Everyone should sign up for some document reviews. What should we read? Do we need to read it all?
DB> Point of view is an issue. Digest-mode reviews may be very difficult to achieve because we have differing opinions on what constitutes an i18n issue.
AV> Look at each other's comments and work out what we need to deal with in advance.
TT> It is not necessary to be experts on all technologies and specs. We should work on figuring out specific additional details: set a goal and work towards a general solution. Closure should lie in the area of getting a model into place.

MD> Telecon about comparator/collation identifiers: IANA/IETF registry based on URIs to be the path. Collation to be the term. Vendor URIs available. There will be support for machine readable backing data stores of some kind. Need to monitor as it progresses if interested.

Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods, Inc. -- "Global Business Visibility"

432 Lakeside Drive, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
+1 408.962.5487 (office)  
+1 408.210.3569 (mobile)

Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force 

Internationalization is an architecture. 
It is not a feature.

> Agenda:
> =======
> 1. Review Action Items and Agenda
>    a. About the telecon schedule.
> 2. Planning for F2F in Santa Clara in October
> 3. A brief presentation on my chat with Richard (Ishida) about 
> Locales (ulp!)
> Addison P. Phillips
> Director, Globalization Architecture
> webMethods, Inc. -- "Global Business Visibility"
> 432 Lakeside Drive, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
> +1 408.962.5487 (office)  
> +1 408.210.3569 (mobile)
> Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force
> Internationalization is an architecture. 
> It is not a feature.

Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 16:11:27 UTC