Re: Announcement (final draft)

Hello Addison,

A few more detail comments. Please go ahead and send out the
announcement tomorrow.

At 10:58 02/12/20 -0800, Addison Phillips [wM] wrote:

>I have incorporated a few more comments, plus a couple of edits of my own, 
>into Tex's last version. Please send any additional comments today, as I 
>will send this out tomorrow (Saturday, Pacific time).
>Thanks, everyone, for your help in getting this first draft posted, 
>especially Martin for shepherding the draft through the process.
>The Web Services Task Force of the W3C Internationalization Working Group 
>is pleased to announce the publication of the first "Web Services 
>Internationalization Usage Scenarios" Working Draft at 

Maybe better to (also) give the exact address:

>The goal of this document is to gather together scenarios for using Web 
>services standards and technologies in ways that require attention to 
>language, culture, and internationalization.

'gather together' sounds like double duty. just 'gather' should be
enough. Apart from that, I think all the details are perfect in
this sentence, but when I read it, I got stuck, it seems to be
too long. After reading a few times, I think the main problem
is that 'for using' and 'in ways that' are too far apart.

What about:

The goal of this document is to gather scenarios for Web services standards 
and technologies when used in ways that require attention to language, 
culture, and internationalization.

>This will help us to:
>    o create "best practices" and tutorial information for Web service 
> implementers and technology providers
>    o propose standards for Web services and related technologies to 
> support international operation
>    o demonstrate international issues in existing Web services 
> technologies and standards to the groups responsible for their 
> development and maintenance
>We invite you to contribute additional Usage Scenarios that document 
>aspects of Web Services internationalization that are not yet covered by 
>this document or that extend the examples given. To contribute, please use 
>a format similar to the one used in this document, and send your 
>contribution to the mailing list (publicly 
>archived). Please use [Web Services] or [WSUS] in the subject.

could be a good idea to give the address of the public archive:

Regards,   Martin.

>Please do not send proprietary material or information.
>We also invite you to join this Task Force. Members of the Task Force will 
>have the opportunity to influence the internationalization of Web services 
>standards as they evolve. You may also wish to join our public mailing 
>list ( Instructions on joining the Task Force and 
>mailing list are located on our home page, located here: 
>Best Regards,
>Addison P. Phillips
>Director, Globalization Architecture
>webMethods, Inc.
>+1 408.962.5487 (phone)  +1 408.210.3569 (mobile)
>Internationalization is an architecture.
>It is not a feature.
>Chair, W3C-I18N-WG Web Services Task Force
>To participate see

Received on Friday, 20 December 2002 17:33:39 UTC