Re: Variants tables updated

Hi Richard,

Thanks for maintaining the table. I wonder if it is possible to add the missing Sibe and Manchu sections of Menksoft fonts. Menk Qagan Tig is available at
I think this may be more important than the new fonts, given the popularity of Menksoft and the fact that Menk behaves better than MB and other fonts in a few cases.

One such case is the Ini/Med forms of Sibe zi (186F+185E), which I briefly mentioned before. This involves the following context-driven forms: 
  - the second Ini/Med forms of Sibe za (186F+FVS1),
  - the third Med form of Sibe i (185E+FVS2).
(As far as I can tell, these context-driven forms are used only in this combination.)

In DS01 and Mongolian Baiti (hence the Unicode 9.0 code chart), Med 185E+FVS2 is a stick, identical to the first medial form. However, if one looks closely in Report 170, MGWBM, and GBT 26226-2010, as followed by Menk, this form should be a slightly curvy one, different from the first medial form of Sibe i but identical to the fourth medial form of Manchu i (1873+FVS3). The shape of 186F+FVS1 in DS01 and MB also diverges from Report 170, MGWBM, and GBT by having a short vertical stroke at the bottom. These divergences prevent zi from being properly joined in MB. I attach pictures showing the Sibe word fizicin rendered correctly in Menk and improperly in MB.


PS. Ini 18A0+FVS1 is missing in the font comparison table.

> -----Original Messages-----
> From: r12a <>
> Sent Time: Friday, September 9, 2016
> To: "" <>
> Cc: 
> Subject: Variants tables updated
> For your information, I just updated the font comparison tables at
> to reflect Mongolian Bait v5.51 (in Edge on Windows10).  You can see the 
> changes over the previous version at
> ri

Received on Monday, 19 September 2016 15:10:53 UTC