RE: Current DS01 Mongolian Base, Positional, Variant Forms - for discussion.pdf

Greg and all,
This is a Unicode (and 10646) chart of what DS01 variants would like at this point. This is based on your August 3rd 2015 version (from a quick check the only differences from the August 9th DS01 version concern the 'red' modifications and can be quickly synced).
Not an endorsement but it should make easier to see the whole picture. 
The first page describes the difference between Unicode 7.0 charts and this draft. Also the first time we can show all default contextual forms (isolate, initial, medial, and final) and display them in summary along with the variants, imo makes much easier to decipher the variant forms.

Again, my main goal is to track current status and give some idea how the block will show in Unicode 9.0, not to endorse DS01.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Eck [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 8:12 PM
Subject: Current DS01 Mongolian Base, Positional, Variant Forms - for discussion.pdf

Attached please find my current version of DS01.
Comments, critique, suggestions are welcome.

But, please do not let this distract you from our main discussion dealing with the specification of FVS sequences as below ...

> 1.)   Deprecate <U+1820-Medial><U+180C> and substitute <U+1820-Initial><U+180B>. 
> 2.)    Deprecate <U+1828-Medial><U+180C> and substitute <U+1828-Final><U+180B>. 
> 3.)    Deprecate <U+182C-Medial><U+180C> and substitute <U+182C-Final><U+180B>. 
> 4.)    Deprecate <U+182C-Medial><U+180D> and substitute <U+182C-Final>. 
> 5.)    Deprecate <U+182D-Medial><U+180C> and substitute <U+182D-Final><U+180D>. 
> 6.)    Deprecate <U+1835-Medial><U+180B> and substitute <U+1835-Final><U+180B>. 
> 7.)    Deprecate <U+1836-Medial><U+180C> and substitute <U+1836-Final>.

PS I just noticed that I have forgotten to add Siqin's data on the U+1828 compound words to my DS01 document. I will be adding a set of examples to justify over-rides needed at U+1822, U+182D (two), and U+1836 also.

Received on Friday, 28 August 2015 06:47:27 UTC