Welcome to the public-i18n-mongolian mailing list

public-i18n-mongolian is a publicly archived mailing list, maintained by 
the W3C Internationalization Interest Group, for discussions relating to 
Mongolian script support on the Web. If you subscribe to and participate 
in this list you are part of the W3C Internationalization Interest 
Group. (You may wish to also subscribe to the main IG list, see 

As work develops on layout requirements and related documents for 
Mongolian script text, this list should be used to submit review 
comments, to discuss issues, and to provide feedback from the authors. 
It should also be used to share information (in English) about the 
ongoing status of the work with the wider community.

Subscribers to this list are obligated to comply with W3C 
patent-disclosure policy as outlined out in Section 6 of the W3C Patent 
Policy document. For more information about disclosure obligations for 
this group, please see the W3C Patent Policy Implementation.

Received on Friday, 12 December 2014 13:10:33 UTC