JLreq TF meeting notes 2022-6-14

JLreq TF meeting notes 2022-6-14
English follows.

JLreq-d の readme のレビュー
SC29 に関する課題の説明(村田)
CITPC での UAX#50 提案に関するミーティングの報告(村田)

Lreq-d の readme のレビュー
英語版にした Readme をRichard に早めに見せるべき。jlreq の時は完成してから英訳して他の言語の人も見られるようになったが、今回は早くからシェアしたい(小林)todo: read me を翻訳して Richard に見てもらう(木田)
jlreq-d は全ての言語の先駆けになるはず。言語共通の課題が多く現れるだろう(木田)
read me や、本文の先頭のどこかに、これは working document、変化し続ける内容であることを示そう(木田)
JLreq をベースにする、と言わないほうが良いのでは。JLreq にあろうがなかろうが必要なものを考える(敏先生)

SC29 に関する日本側の課題(村田)
SC29 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29) がフォントの仕様の国際規格を決めているが、日本からのチャネルがゼロ。日本からの参加が必要。送り込もう

CITPC での UAX#50 提案に関するミーティングの報告(村田)
総論賛成で、現場は困っているが、標準化の意識は低い。これまで接点がなかったので、あのような場が増えると良いと思う。引き続き CITPC の中で議論を継続してゆこうということになっている。フォントを作る人と、使う人の交流がもっと増えるといい。上場企業ではコーポレートガバナンスコードの中に「標準化」が入った(田原)
前回の UTC では Peter が MS を代弁しているという話があったが、日本 MS の意見とは違う。文章を作るよりもミーティングの当日に話せば良いのではないか(村田、小林)
MS フォントへの影響は昔 CITPC で調べた。そのデータがある(村田)

Read me を英語に(木田)not done yet
Ken Lunde に次のミーティングに招いてもらう(木田)ongoing

Review JLreq-d Read Me
SC29 and Japan (Murata-san)
Updates from a meeting at CITPC regarding the UAX#50 proposal (Murata)

Review JLreq-d Read Me
We should translate the read me early in the process and get review from Richard. When the original JLreq was developed we developed it solely in Japanese and then the completed work was translated so others can read. For this time we want to make the development process visible so we can get feedback early (Kobayashi). Completely agreed. Actually we agreed to write it in English and translate it to Japanese (kida)
todo: translate the read me and get it reviewed by Richard, et. al.
issue: the translation work will be large. how we handle it? who? we want participation from younger generations.
JLreq-d will be the first in all languages, at leat within W3C, that tackles issues of text layout and books in digitally native environment. We will face many issues that are common across languages (kida)
It will cover mobile devices that have smaller screen and wide variety of screen sizes (kida)
Regarding the term “universal design”, I recently learned a different term “inclusive design”. They have slightly different approaches. Which approach does this document take? (Tsuda). We will not have or assume any specific design approaches (kida). There is no single design that covers everybody. The document should be something that raise the awareness, rather than suggesting specific design approach (Bin-sensei)
How about charts that span two facing pages? (Murata) If there are better way to implement charts on digital devices, we do not necessarily need to implement how it looks on printed books (kida) Are there Japanese specific considerations on charts? e.g. such as vertical and mixed-orientation. We want to mention these in the document (kida) If it digital we can open charts in a different window / area of the screen, and put side by side with the document. but how we embed such charts in the document? (Tajima)
Regarding the list of applications that we do not discuss in the document (e.g. applications that are primarily for printing and graphic design area), we might find more as we make progress. We should add them to this list. (bin-sensei). agreed.
The readme will be a living document and we will keep revising it throughout the process. Likewise, the JLreq-d itself will be a living document in a sense. Unlike printing technologies, the digital text layout / ebooks are areas that are still showing rapid progress. Therefore the document can’t be something that is authoritative. It will be a living document that requires constant updating by the future JLreq teams. Let’s clearly state in the documents that they are living documents. (kida)
The “policy on constructing the TOC and the contents” section would also become clearer if it shows bullet points. (Bin-sensei)
There are many issue where there is no, or we do not have, a good answer. Probably we should make these clear in the document.(Bin-sensei)
Probably we should not state that jlreq-d is based on jlreq. Digital do not have limitations that existed on print and vice versa. We’ll consider what is necessary.(Bin-sensei). OK.
We should somehow touch on navigation feature in the document. The function existed in printed books, and it exists in digital world in different forms. This is one of the area that books can take advantage of digital technology (Bin-sensei). Will add it to the readme (kida)
Automatic translation is becoming popular (and it does not exist in printed documents). Are there things we should consider to better support the feature? (Tsuda) Related to the issue there are ideas that puts bunsetsu boundaries in the document data (Kobayashi). There are many possibilities in adaptive rendering (Murata) We need to be cautious when we attach invisible information to the text. It is hard to detect errors and correct them and they can be hidden factors in unexpected rendering. (kida)
I am collecting examples of complex print layout such as Oku-no-hosomichi and the bible. It would be interesting and worth discussing how we can achieve the intention, not the look, with digital technologies. I can prepare a presentation. (Kobayashi)
We want to find, along the way, areas where we do not have adequate support from various standards (css, unicode, etc). (kida)

SC29 and Japan (Murata-san)
SC29 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29) defines international standards for fonts. However there is no channel that we can feed requests from Japan. We might want to send somebody to SC29.

Updates from a meeting at CITPC regarding the UAX#50 proposal (Murata)
Murata-san shared a presentation that he presented at the meeting. It is mostly regarding the aforementioned SC29 issue.
Everybody understands the benefit of improving the standards. Especially users are suffering. Font venders etc., however, do not have knowledge on if standards can be changed or how they can do it. They do not have such an experience. What they do now is to just ignore standards that do not work for them. So, the meeting was a good opportunity to raise awareness. It was agreed that they want to keep discussing about it in CITPC. Also, he felt that more communication would be beneficial between font makers and users. (Tahara)
At the previous UTC, Peter Constable represented MS, but MS Japan do not agree with him. We want to discuss it at the meeting with Ken/UTC. (Kobayashi-san)
We understands that the change (UAX#50 proposal) does affect MS fonts. We did the research in the past and I have the data (Murata)

Kobayashi-san to present and discuss re: examples of complex layout in print, and how we achieve the intention with digital.
Kida to translate the readme.
Kida to talk to Ken Lunde for a meeting re:UAX50 proposal.

The next meeting is on 7/12 Tuesday 10 am JST.

- kida

Received on Thursday, 7 July 2022 06:03:36 UTC