JLReq TF meeting notes 3/15

JLReq TF meeting notes 3/15

Simple-ruby, updating the WG draft note
Updating the document based on Bin-sensei’s text in Japanese
Terminology issues

Ruby terminology issues
…such as ruby box vs ruby container - how about consulting with Richard?
Inconsistent use of terminologies between different documents, e.g. JLReq, CLReq, CSS Ruby
Developing a set of standard terminologies was proposed. It needs to be independent from implementation or technology used - topic for the next meeting
do we want to update JLReq based on the new standard? probably yes

Digital native version of JLreq → DLReq-J
Let’s start
There was an input that says the tentative name, JDLReq (Japanese digital line layout requirements) might be confusing between JLReq → how about DLReq-JA (Digital line layout requirements, Japanese language)? It also defines a generic name if there are similar documents for other languages.
Digital native: dynamic, reflow, responsive
Universal design - accessibility
Needs a repository : kida’s todo: ask Richard
(this part of my memo was not clear: “will or needs to make github issues for 6 themes of Bin-sensei’s memo”)
Will consider wider public review when draft is ready

ruby-t2s-req updates
Right now the default for most systems are reading both the base and the ruby. It is the worst option.
WATWG is willing to tackle the problem - Murata-san wants a few members from JLReq TF to join

Richard is considering retirement - wow…
Will discuss our proposal to the Unicode consortium re: uax50 at the next font sig.
The next meeting is on 4/12 10:00-

Received on Monday, 11 April 2022 01:22:23 UTC