strange behavior? in wpt / css-text line-breaking test issue

   hi all, (sorry in English for public-i18n-japanese)

   I'd want to ask help or advice from whom could know (or encountered to similar ones) on
a possible issue of periodic process by wpt.

   TL;DR; (in short) possible broad issue on font in tests ('tofu' error)

1) The root issues which initiated this survey are: (for jpan-gap, line-break not working for some browsers) (results of line-break-loose-hyphens-001 seem not valid)

   For first one, even there are several not valid results exist in wpt results, there are
some unimplemented cases in browsers, but again which failures (in wpt) are unimplemented
and are not valid test outcome need to be distinguished.. (of course!)

   For line-break-loose-hyphens-001, the most recent results are:

   live test files are:

   screenshots for results in wpt are:

   fonts are shown as 'tofu', which does not have 1em (~0.4em?), which makes test will never work
   also real issue confirmed with local Chrome (Windows)

   fonts are shown correctly, real issue confirmed with local Edge (Windows)

   fonts are shown as 'tofu', which does not have 1em (~0.8em?), which makes first test will never work (2x0.8 + hyphens <= 2em)

   fonts are shown correctly, real issue confirmed with local Safari (MacOS)

2) So, two root causes exist here. One is real issue of implementation (Chrome, Edge, Safari),
and another is incorrectly picked font (Chrome, Firefox).
   This tests hyphens with UAX#14 ID characters, and definition in css-text-3 is:
> The following breaks are allowed for loose line breaking if the preceding character belongs 
> to the Unicode line breaking class ID [UAX14] (including when the preceding character is 
> treated as ID due to word-break: break-all), and are otherwise forbidden: 
which does not have any condition relates to 'lang' attribute specified to the target element.
So, even we have lang="en" on this test (as now), this test case is valid and should be handled
correctly by implementations. Character used is U+6587:

2a) For second point, it does not happen on Safari or Edge (both seems picking zh-hant font?),
and I thought we could just change lang to html element into something other like zh-hant/hans
or ja, which should have 1em glyph by default (for the first moment).
   But looking into other tests in wpt, it seems there are several similar cases of 'tofu',
with some confused outcomes...

3) And, I've checked several others to find solution and/or possible similar cases.

   In css-ruby, ruby-intrinsic-isize-001, whose test cases has html lang="ja"



   Firefox passes on this test (no screenshot provided). Chrome screenshot show 'tofu' fonts
for this screenshot.

   In css-contnet, there are several multi language tests on quotes. quotes-016 tests Japanese
quote, and all browsers pass.


   This test is consisted of two lines, one with 'q' element, one replacing with &#xXXXX;.
   Considering this format with possible 'tofu' replacement, I believe test should pass if
browser implements correctly, even with glyph as 'tofu'. (two lines will have identical
width of glyph)

   In the same suite, test for fallback of multiple region (like ja to ja-JA) is added as
quotes-034, which fails in chrome and firefox with screenshot.


chrome screenshot:

firefox screenshot:

   This test has html lang="en" and lang is specified per line (wrapped as p). Reference is
written with &$xXXXX; presentation.
   Both screenshot has 'tofu' character for Japanese lines.

4) I think some tests contributed from i18n WG to wpt have lines for web fonts, like Arabic,
Nko, or Mongolian, but I thought these are added not to have side-effect from glyph in font
for complex shaping tests.
   Although I haven't encountered any test contribution using CJK, I thought we don't need
to have similar lines to load web font files if one does not have such complexity...

   Does anyone have some advice or knowledge? Like, if we rely on non-Latin characters (or
something,, say sets of DejaVu - widely used in old age although...), we need to include
lines of web font...
   I should miss some manual on this area, and sorry if there is something clearly stating
this in wpt manuals.

Received on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 03:24:24 UTC