AI-46: Make an explanation of the BP 24 issue

Hi everyone,

Here is a first try for some extra explanations for BP 24:

Why do this:

Some XML documents are used to store different types of data for the purpose such as exchange or export. In some cases such data is
itself XML data. For example, some XHTML content stored in a database can be exported to an XML container file for localization and
re-imported back into the database.

Storing such XML data inside XML elements as text content (i.e. with its markup tags escaped), has several drawbacks:

- Any handling of the data is made difficult by the impossibility to separate text from markup without extra processing.

- Often, such content is put in CDATA sections, which has its own set of issues. See Best Practice 20: Avoiding CDATA sections

I'll try to think of more/better text.

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2007 20:20:12 UTC