Re: Namespace compare issue (Was: Re: Teleconference Minutes 2007-01-17)

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> Felix Sasaki wrote:
>> I see the problem, but I'm not sure if we need to resolve it for the
>> comparison tool. The path attribute is used within the tool to make sure
>> that the same nodes are compared. We could use s.t. like this instead:
>> <o:node path="/myMetaDoc/body[1]/insert[1]/z:书籍[1]/z:躯[1]/i:rules[1]"
>> node-id="n-number" outputType="default-value">
>> <o:output o:translate="yes" />
>> </o:node>
>> "number" in n-number counts the number of the node taking attributes and
>> elements into account. I would still keep the path attribute because it
>> makes it easier for humans to find the errors.
> if you made it an element and attribute count, it would be
> easier to implement for me.
> so
> <o:node path="..." e="2" a="1">
> would that do?

That's fine as well. See e.g. again .
Is it o.k. with you, Yves? Note that we have to be careful about
counting attributes, since they are not an ordered set. Let's hope our
implementations do the same ...


Received on Thursday, 18 January 2007 14:08:48 UTC