[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2007-05-02

... are at http://www.w3.org/2007/05/02-i18nits-minutes.html and below 
as text.



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                              i18n ITS WG

2 May 2007



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2007/05/02-i18nits-irc


          Felix, Jirka, Christian

          Andrzej, Sebastian, Yves




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]action items
         2. [6]Reviewing W3C Work for ITS
         3. [7]Best Practices Working Draft
         4. [8]Face-to-face meeting at SAP Paris
         5. [9]Other business
     * [10]Summary of Action Items

action items

   <scribe> ACTION: Christian to send comment on EMMA (PENDING)
   [recorded in

   Felix: Last Call Ends 30 April 2007

   Christian: I'll send this week

   Felix: that will be ok

   <scribe> ACTION: Everybody to look at SPARQL and the SPARQL result
   format for potential ITS review (PENDING) [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Everybody to look into XLIFF 1.2, TMX 2, SRX 2
   (PENDING) [recorded in

   Christian: XLIFF has a very short review period, normally two weeks
   ... I can send a mail to Rodolpho, he should know

   Felix: good, thanks

   <scribe> ACTION: Jirka to send pointers about ISO fast track process
   (DONE) [recorded in



   Jirka: I have contacts in my country, but it may not lead to an
   efficient submission

   Christian: I'll talk to colleagues and inform them about the ideas
   we have about ITS as ISO standard, and ask them about possibilities

   <scribe> ACTION: Yves to add non-w3c specs to the comment overview
   page (DONE) [recorded in


     [17] http://www.w3.org/International/its/reviews.html

   Felix: any comments on the page?

   Jirka: very good page

   Felix: agree

   <scribe> ACTION: Yves to look into TMX for ITS related comments
   (DROP) [recorded in

   Felix: double of AI above

   <scribe> ACTION: Yves to look on Atom and the bidi attribute and
   possibly ITS in general (PENDING) [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Yves to start a summary page for comments we made
   on other drafts (DONE) [recorded in

Reviewing W3C Work for ITS


     [21] http://www.w3.org/TR/#last-call

   Felix: nothing new we need to look at, I think

Best Practices Working Draft

   published last week

     [22] http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-xml-i18n-bp-20070427/

   Felix: anything to discuss today on the draft?

   Jirka: discussion of my docbook section?

   Felix: looks good after a first look. Should we consider to have all
   existing schemas "ITS+..." with only markup which is not already in
   the schema, e.g. "ITS+XHTML" without its:dir? And have a general
   guideline to do that for existing schemas?

   Christian: need more time to think about that

   Jirka: maybe a good idea, we could discuss that at the f2f. Could
   have an action item to discuss on everyone to think about the idea

   Christan: fine by me

   <scribe> ACTION: everybody to think about the idea: consider to have
   all existing schemas "ITS+..." with only markup which is not already
   in the schema, e.g. "ITS+XHTML" without its:dir? And have a general
   guideline to do that for existing schemas [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: everybody to look at the DocBook section from Jirka
   [recorded in

   Felix: Jirka, do you also work on an DocBook implementation, e.g. of
   XSLT stylesheets?

   Jirka: no, I rely on the generic ITS implementations. The DocBook
   stylesheets are not meant to encompass e.g. "translation extraction"
   functionality like in ITS

Face-to-face meeting at SAP Paris


     [25] http://www.w3.org/International/its/ftf-200705-Paris.html

   agenda proposal is at


   Christian: remarks on the agenda:
   ... question on removing ITS to ISO / other bodies is a placeholder.
   We are already investigating how we should move, not if we should

   Felix: maybe we are between the questions "should we move?" and "how
   should we move?"

   Christian: we should have a general discussion on the WG, i.e. the
   way we did things, we way we intend to do things

   Felix: do you mean general WG aspects like participation in calls,
   action item tracking etc.?

   Christian: yes

   Felix: good to discuss this, since we now don't have the work on
   tagset document anymore, that gives us an opportunity to reconsider
   working style

   Jirka: for me it was hard to write the DocBook section was hard,
   having some setup for this would be good

   Felix: agree

Other business

   Christian: nothing specific right now
   ... on outreach: I'm considering to submit something for the OASIS
   standards day in Germany
   ... wonder what I could present about ITS
   ... could try to give an update related to ITS. In November, ITS
   will be a REC for 6 months.
   ... we could say what happened, like describing the DocBook section
   from Jirka, tool vendor outreach

   Jirka: mentioning ITS is good for ITS

   Felix: sounds good to me

   Christian: would you like to be co-authors of the presentation?

   Jirka: can contribute to the content of the presentation, not sure
   if I can come to Germany

   Felix: what would be the deadline for the decision?

   Christian: Friday
   ... happy to list others as co-authors if they indent to contribute,
   even if they are not sure yet if and how much they can contribute

   Jirka: integration with an OASIS standard like DocBook is a good
   selling point

   Felix: how about sending a mail to the member list with your

   Christian: I'll fill in the submisson template and send it to the
   two of you and Yves

   Felix: sounds good to me
   ... I submitted an abstract to Unicode, I will forward the abstract
   to Christian

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: everybody to look at the DocBook section from Jirka
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: everybody to think about the idea: consider to have
   all existing schemas "ITS+..." with only markup which is not already
   in the schema, e.g. "ITS+XHTML" without its:dir? And have a general
   guideline to do that for existing schemas [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Yves to look into TMX for ITS related comments (DROP)
   [recorded in

   [PENDING] ACTION: Christian to send comment on EMMA [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Everybody to look at SPARQL and the SPARQL result
   format for potential ITS review [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Everybody to look into XLIFF 1.2, TMX 2, SRX 2
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Yves to look on Atom and the bidi attribute and
   possibly ITS in general [recorded in

   [DONE] ACTION: Jirka to send pointers about ISO fast track process
   [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Yves to add non-w3c specs to the comment overview
   page [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Yves to start a summary page for comments we made on
   other drafts [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [37]scribe.perl version 1.128
    ([38]CVS log)
    $Date: 2007/05/02 15:07:02 $

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Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2007 15:08:36 UTC