New comments on tagset draft

Hi all,

A while ago I got (offline) these comments from Jirka Kosek who had
thankfully commented on the tagset draft before. See his new comments

Yves had replied to him already and made some editorial changes. I think
what is left to do:
1) discuss need for a "version" attribute which is in no namespace
2) editorial change: "style attribute / element in css" > "style attribute
/ element in (X)HTML"
3) adding of version=5.0 attribute to docbook example: already done by Yves
4) explain usage of version attribute (in the draft or only to Jirka), see
Jirka's unclearness below about example 10
5) need for type attribute for xlink links?
6) update of schematron rules

Let's talk about this today or next year ;)


-------------------------- オリジナルメッセージ --------------------------
件名:   ITS comments
差出人: "Jirka Kosek" <>
日付:   2006年 10月月 19日 (木) 11:31 pm
宛先:   "Felix Sasaki" <>

Hi Felix,

it was really nice to meet you in Heidelberg. Please find below my
comments to the latest ITS draft from:

On its:rules version of ITS is specified by its:version attribute. I
think that you should use just version attribute (i.e. no namespace)
because it is very uncommon to use namespaced attributes on elements
from the same namespace. Approach which I propose is already widely
adopted -- for example in XSLT you have both xsl:version (used on
literal elements, see section 2.3 of XSLT spec) and version (used on
xsl:stylesheet) attributes.

ァ2.1: You are talking about style element/attribute from CSS, but those
attributes are presented in *HTML* language to allow specification of CSS.

Example 8: In DocBook V5.0 it is mandatory to specify version attribute
on document element. There should be version="5.0" added. You should
also add at least one para element after info element because without it
example document is not a valid DocBook instance.

If you are using its:translate attribute it is necessary to specify
its:version? Where exactly version must be specified? The most of
examples specify its:version, but example 10 doesn't have its:version
defined anywhere on ancestors of <title its:translate...> element. I
think that reasonable approach would be to require its:version on
element itself or on one if its ancestors.

You are using simple XLink links and you reference XLink 1.0
specification. However XLink 1.0 requires specification of link type
(xlink:type="simple") even for simple links. XLink 1.1 which is under
development removes this constraint by saying that if there is no link
type specified, simple link is assumed. So you probably want to
reference XLink 1.1 instead.

Example 4: There is no qterm element in DocBook. Some readers of ITS
specification could be confused by fact, that this example is using
DocBook V4.x which is in no namespace while former DocBook example uses
DocBook V5.x which is in namespace. I would recommend using only one
version of DocBook for consistence.

ァ6.5.1. You are referencing CSS2.1 which is far from being W3C Rec, at
least AFAIK.

Appendix E: Schematron schema uses quite strange expressions like
name() = 'its:locNoteRule'. Such test wouldn't work in situations when
user uses different namespace prefix then its. It would be better to
replace this test with self::its:locNoteRule, where prefix is resolved
to namespace via sch:ns declaration (its not treated as a string literal
which is case for the current expression).

I hope that my comments will help to make your specification better. If
you need further clarification do not hesitate to ask me. I have just
started my 5th hour in train, I have next 6 hours before me and I feel
like a zombie, so my comments can be hard to understand. Anyway I should
complain because my travel is nothing compared to flight to Japan.

Have a nice day,


  Jirka Kosek     e-mail:
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Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2006 08:40:36 UTC