RE: Action item - Result format proposal

Hi Yves,

I agree with your proposals, also that it makes sense not to have the
attributes like its:translate in the ITS namespace. However, it would be
good to have them in some namespace. Imagine the following ruby example:

<its:rb>some <em>base</em> text</rb>
<its:rt>some <em>ruby</em> text</its:rt>

If ITS markup in the result format is in no namespace, we could see no
difference between <rb> and <em> anymore. So I would propose to have
*some* namespace for the "ITS originated" markup ...



2006-12-13 (水) の 13:07 -0700 に Yves Savourel さんは書きました:
> Hi Felix,
> I have no issue with using InnerXml rather than InnerText for
> locNoteText/locNoteReference and termInfoText/termInfoReference,
> since, as you pointed out it makes sense for ruby.... We might as well
> be consistant for all 'content'.
> Using a qualified namespace for the helper elements is also fine, but
> I'm not sure if I get the its:translate part. I don't think we should
> have any ITS makup in the result file (except if it's part of the
> inner xml for selected contents).
> Otherwise we would be using ITS incorrectly for no good reason. 
> When we say 'translate' in:
>   <node path="/book" outputType="default-value"> 
>    <output translate="yes" /> 
>   </node>
> We mean 'the node /book of the input file was translatable' not 'the
> content of <output> in this file is translatable'. So why use the ITS
> namespace for this (like the following code would)?
>   <node path="/book" outputType="default-value"> 
>    <output its:translate="yes" /> 
>   </node>
> Would something like:
> <r:nodeList xmlns:r="urn:ITSTestResult"> 
>  <r:nodeList datacat="translate"> 
>   <r:node path="/book" outputType="default-value"> 
>    <r:output translate="yes" /> 
>   </r:node> 
>   ... 
>  </r:nodeList> 
> </r:nodeList> 
> Would work for you? With InnerXml for the 'content' results like
> locNote and termInfo instead of text.
> -ys

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2006 22:34:12 UTC