Action item - Result format proposal

I had the following action item:

> - [NEW]: Yves to extract the result format for each data category from
> implementation and send it to the list. esp. Sebastian and Felix to
> if they can live with Yves's proposal

Here is my proposal. I've described only the <output> element as the
rest (<nodeList>, <node>) looks fine to me.

=== Translate data category:

If the node is translatable:

<output translate="yes"/> 

If the node is not translatable:

<output translate="no"/> 

=== Localization Note data category:

If there is no localiation associated with the node:


If there is a locNote text associated with the node (locNoteType is

<output locNoteType="description|alert">
 <locNoteText>The inner text of the node (can be empty)</locNoteText>

If there is a locNote reference associated with the node (locNoteType is

<output locNoteType="description|alert">
 <locNoteReference>The reference string (can be

=== Terminology data category:

If there the node is not a term:

<output term="no"/>

If the node is a term and the termInfo is text:

<output term="yes">
 <termInfoText>Inner text of the node (can be empty)</termInfoText>

If the node is a term and the termInfo is text:

<output term="yes">
 <termInfoReference>The reference string (can be

=== Element Within Text data category:

If the node is within text:

<output withinText="yes"/>

If the node is nested:

<output withinText="nested"/>

If the node is neither within text nor nested:

<output withinText="no"/>

Those are the only data categories I support.
Note that this proposal is different from my current output. I thought
removing all ITS namespace reference here would make sense as we are
representing ITS results not ITS instructions.


Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2006 18:59:45 UTC