[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-11-22

... are at http://www.w3.org/2006/11/22-i18nits-minutes.html and below
as text.



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                        i18n ITS Working Group
                              22 Nov 2006


      [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2006OctDec/0034.html

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2006/11/22-i18nits-irc


          Christian, Felix, Sebastian

          Andrzej, Diane, Yves




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]action items
         2. [6]CR phase: current state (report from Felix)
         3. [7]namespace binding mechanism discussion update
         4. [8]ITS presentations
         5. [9]Other business
     * [10]Summary of Action Items

action items


CR phase: current state (report from Felix)

   felix: now new info, just have to work on implementations

namespace binding mechanism discussion update

   felix: talked to Michael today
   ... next week he and me will work on the issue
   ... I hope that Michael will propose a more efficient implementation
   approach than what Sebastian has figured out

   Sebastian: what do we do if it involves traversing every node in the
   ... do we still have to accept it?

   Felix: normally we have to accept it
   ... I will discuss with Michael

   Christian: small remark:
   ... we are looking at test implementations, right?

   Sebastian: depends on definition for an implementation
   ... it would matter if all implementations were slow
   ... if just XSLT 1.0 would be slow , it's not so bad
   ... it is an issue if the burden to look at all nodes exists for all
   ... it might be faster if you only look at the children of the
   its:rules element

   Felix: you cannot look just at the inheritance information?

   Sebastian: in XSLT 1.0 , you need the declaration information

   Felix: in XPath 2.0, you have a function which gives you the prefix
   and namespace without looking at declarations
   ... I only see problems for external rules

   Sebastian: implementations are all based on processing in memory
   ... if XSLT-based things are used with 20GIG documents you might
   have a problem
   ... can you say where the rules element occur?

   Felix: no
   ... it would be good to have a big test file

   <scribe> ACTION: Sebastian to create a big test file for the ITS
   test suite (>1 MB) to test the implementation efficiency of
   namespace binding(s) [recorded in

   Sebastian: bible file is 7 MB

   Felix: what is your timeline for implementation?

   Sebastian: I finish mine next week

   Felix: if mine is finished and tests are done, we'll be able to
   leave CR

ITS presentations

   Christian: I summarized feedback on presentations
   ... summarized more per mail, will wait until I get o.k. to publish
   ... was very feedback

   Felix: people want to implement and use ITS?

   Christian: both
   ... CAT tool developers already have the functionality, but
   ... people asked who supports ITS already
   ... I made a third presentation, to the DITA translation sub TC
   ... that was very well received as well

   Felix: did they made a commitment to ITS?

   Christian: in the past they didn't, but this might change
   ... I can give an update if there is more info
   ... one more info: at the ASLIP conference
   ... I met people working on ISO / DIN standards, they are also aware
   of ITS
   ... people working on lexical markup framework (TC 37 /4)

Other business

   Next week there will be the W3C AC meeting, so we will probably
   cancel the call.


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Sebastian to create a big test file for the ITS test
   suite (>1 MB) to test the implementation efficiency of namespace
   binding(s) [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

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    $Date: 2006/11/23 02:12:13 $

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Received on Thursday, 23 November 2006 02:15:47 UTC