[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0908LinguisticMarkup" by GoutamSaha

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The following page has been changed by GoutamSaha:

  Sentence Level Markup for the '''HTML Title Attribute:'''
- A "title" attribute is often inserted inside any HTML tag. Inserting this attribute gives the element a tooltip that pops up when the mouse moves over it (for an example here, on W3C. For Internationalization and Localization, we should translate the value of the HTML Title Attribute. Such markup is useful for '''translating VBScript / JavaScript Tooltips Text'''  on various events like '''ONMOUSEOVER'''  etc.
+ A "title" attribute is often inserted inside any HTML tag. Inserting this attribute gives the element a tooltip that pops up when the mouse moves over it (for an example here, on W3C). For Internationalization and Localization, we should translate the value of the HTML Title Attribute. Such markup is useful for '''translating VBScript / JavaScript Tooltips Text'''  on various events like '''ONMOUSEOVER'''  etc.
@@ -649, +649 @@

  <input type="button" value="Submit">
+ </sentence_cat>
+ An example on Markup for Javascript Tooltips Text.
+ <sentence_cat name="scripttitle_value">
+ <!-- Markup for Javascript Tooltips text on events like ONMOUSEOVER -->
+ <A HREF="/tips/page2.asp" 
+      ONMOUSEOVER="this._tip='It <FONT COLOR=red>
+                               <B>simplifies</B></FONT> 
+                              DHTML with his powerful library'">
+         DHTML Library
+ </A>

Received on Friday, 28 October 2005 16:43:01 UTC