[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0509SpecScoping" by fsasaki

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The following page has been changed by fsasaki:

+ Additonal remark: If you want to identify a set of rules, you could have an attribute @ruleset as part of the %itstagset; parameter entity. its value would be an IDREF which points to an @id attribute at the <its:rules> element. The benefit here is: the dislocated rules can be generated from the in situ ITS attributes automatically, just by collecting all its attributes which can be identified as belonging to the same rule set, and then creating an <its:rule> element respectively. (Note that it is of course not possible the other way round.) For writing the specification this would mean that we specify a data category and both its in situ / dislocated realization - whereas the latter can be generated from the former.
  Other rules on translation must be at different elements. But that doesn't matter: the external rules from Yves can be created by a simple xslt stylesheet which collects all translate and other its attributes.

Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2005 02:11:14 UTC