Minutes 2005-09-07: ITS teleconference

Minutes 2005-09-07: ITS teleconference 


- TF: Tim Foster (Sun)
- GS: Goutam Saha (CDAC) [IRC only]
- FS: Felix Sasaki (W3C) [IRC only]
- YS: Yves Savourel (ENLASO)
- DS: Diane Stoick (Boeing)
- AZ: Andrzej Zydron (invited expert)


- Richard Ishida
- Christian Lieske
- Najib Tounsi
- Maskai Itagaki

Review Action Items From Last Meeting

1. CL and others to make research on data categories definitions

2. RI to post an email to the Activity about the definition of "internationalization" and "localization"

3. CL to add a paragraph on the role of xml:lang to the summary section of the Language Identification requirement.

4. FS to add a paragraph somewhere to the role of values of xml:lang in the Language Identification requirement.

5. FS to add a reference to RFC 3066 bis to the Language Identification requirement.

6. FS to add an additional paragraph to the mapping requirement.

7. FS to investigate what is not in the infoset
Done: <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2005JulSep/0081.html>

8. TF to change the CDATA requirement.

9. YS to modify the examples in the Term Identification requirement.
Done: <http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0503ReqTermIdentification>

10. YS to reword of Attribute and Translatable Text requirement with respect to CL comments.
Done: <http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0505ReqAttrAndTrans>

11. YS to put Bidirectional text support requirement to Working Draft status.
Done: <http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0505ReqBidi>

12. YS to reword Multilingual document to make distinction between different types.
Done: <http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0506ReqMultilingualDoc>

13. YS to send a list to FS about the f2f Done.

14. YS to write an email to Goutam to ask him to post to everybody about his purposes on the f2f topic.


- Discuss Goutam's input. 

We first discussed the input about writing styles.
The consensus was that part of the examples could be use in the requirement, as for example, the marking of content of religious
text would be a good complement to the existing example.
-> YS to modify the wiki page to reflect this.

We then discuss the different input about part-of-speech and related schemas.
YS was of the opinion they may be out of scope as they would be too specialized.
AZ express the view that having POS and related information within content would be quite important. More linguistic information
will allow better processing of large volume of translatable text.
TF concurred.
The consensus was to create a new requirement page for this topic as it is important to note it even if the WG may not have the time
and resource to tackle it soon.
-> YS to create a wiki page to start the requirement, and have GS in the wiki user list so he can make changes.

- Indicator of metrics

YS noted that the summary was more like a description of the issues in some parts. A more condensed sentence would be better.
TF concurred and noted we should look at this from the view point of the schema designer.
AZ made some changes online.
The consensus was that it looked better.
See the new wording: http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0505WordCount

- Limited Impact

TF noted the presence of its prefix in the bottom example.
-> YS to modify it.

- Naming Scheme

YS asked if the last comment was answering MI concern.
The consensus was that it was OK.

Other Business

- We briefly discuss the F2F meeting.
Neither TF or AZ will be able to make it.
DS and Ys will be there.
AZ ask about teleconferences during that time.
YS: there will be one teleconference at 14:00UTC (same time as the normal teleconference) every day of the meeting.

- Next teleconference (last before the F2F meeting) is Sep-14, same time.

ACTION ITEMS for next week

1. CL and others to make research on data categories definitions

2. RI to post an email to the Activity about the definition of "internationalization" and "localization"

3. CL to add a paragraph on the role of xml:lang to the summary section of the Language Identification requirement.

4. FS to add a paragraph somewhere to the role of values of xml:lang in the Language Identification requirement.

5. FS to add a reference to RFC 3066 bis to the Language Identification requirement.

6. FS to add an additional paragraph to the mapping requirement.

8. TF to change the CDATA requirement.

9. YS to add example based on Goutam input to the "Content Style" requirement.

10. YS to create wiki page for POS/related info requirement

11. YS to edit its prefixes in "Limited impact" requirement example.

=== Items for the Face-to-face meeting:

- All to think about becoming an co-editor of the recomendation which describes the implementation of ITS.

- All to book hotel for the face-to-face meeting (Several of us should be at the Hotel Aldo).

- All to prepare possible questions related to XSD.

- All to read up on namespaces.

- FS to prepare Ruby information.

- YS to prepare "indicator of translatability"


Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2005 15:56:51 UTC