- From: Felix Sasaki <fsasaki@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 22:36:36 +0900
- To: "public-i18n-its@w3.org" <public-i18n-its@w3.org>
Hi all, After reading something about the work of UBL, i.e. localization of UBL invoices http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/200310/msg00010.html I thought that we could widen the scope of purpose specification mapping. Currently it is mapping of existing vocabularies to ITS. Another aspect would be mapping from one language to the other, e.g. <para> to <absatz> or to <段落> What do you think? I'm asking via mail because I did not want to add this new aspect to the Wiki. Cheers, Felix
Received on Friday, 26 August 2005 13:36:52 UTC