Minutes 2005-03-17: ITS teleconference

Minutes 2005-03-17: ITS teleconference


- DS: Dianne Stoick (Boeing)
- NN: Naoyuki Nomura (Ricoh)
- RI: Richard Ishida (W3C)
- YS: Yves Savourel (ENLASO)


- CL: Christian Lieske (SAP)
- MI: Masaki Itagaki (Invited Expert)
- TF: Tim Foster (Sun)




- We need to update the milestones dates. As we have started the WG a little bit later than the charter planned the milestones need
to be pushed back from their original dates.
RI explained the dates would be changed on consensus and updated in the general WG information. The character itself will remain

- YS to come up with a new set of dates and post it for comments.


- RI talked to the W3C Team and the consensus there is that a wiki should stay controlled by the W3C. The main reason for this that
it would allow to keep the wiki persistent for a long time, which is important for being able to trace comments, etc. Using an
"external" wiki cannot guarantee such conservation of the data.
RI to continue his discussions to get ACL (access control lists) implemented for ITS.

- RI illustrated how a wiki could be used by showing the pages used by GEO to work on their FAQ.
The main page of that example is here:

Headings are the same as they will be in the final article, bolded text is the text for the article and the normal text are the
comments. Article text is updated by the "owner" of the article and comments deleted as they are addressed. Note that an history of
all the changes is available o nothing is lost.

- RI pointed also some pages explaining the methodology GEO is using to develop their articles. This could be a good place to look
for ideas:


We went through the "container size", "span-like element", "CDATA section", and "generic constraints" items. RI talked about the
description of each requirements: if possible like a directive (e.g. "The use of CDATA section should be avoided when possible").
The Requirements document is a working document for creating the tag set and the guidelines.

YS to post a "work items" page that enumerate the different requirements we have and point to the current threads. The idea is to
develop those requirements in the wiki, then when they are stable enough to move them to an Editor copy of the Working Draft of the
Requirements document. At some point, the Working Draft will go to become the "First Working Draft" of the document, then updates
will follow.


Confirmed attendees: Richard Ishida, Christian Lieske, Naoyuki Nomura, Yves Savourel.
Andrzej Zydron: To confirm.
If anyone else is planning on attending, please send YS an email.

- There will be no teleconference on Tuesday Apr-7 that week. Instead, we will try to have phone access at the face-to-face meeting
for the people who can make it. RI mentioned also the possibilities to use VoIP like Skype. YS to discuss with CL the possibilities.

- NN mentioned that providing some use cases and description of stakeholders would help in grasping better the scope and goals of
ITS. YS and RI agreed. This will be one of first items in the face-to-face meeting.

- Anyone with ideas they would like to discuss during the face-to-face meeting should post them.


- RI to follow up with the EWS wiki maintainers for the use of the wiki for ITS (with write rights restricted).

- YS to come up with a new set of milestone dates and post it for comments.

- YS to prepare a "work items" page that summarizes the list of requirements and point to their discussion threads.

- YS to discuss with CL about the possibilities for conference call during the face-to-face meeting.

- CL+YS to post a start of description for the issues related to entities.
[From last week action items list]

- Anyone: to submit ideas for the agenda of the face-to-face meeting.

- Volunteers: to take ownership of one or more requirement and start to define it more formally. (See
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2005JanMar/0034.html for an example).
(Note: Andrzej is taking "Unique identifier").


Received on Thursday, 17 March 2005 17:00:24 UTC