- From: Yves Savourel <ysavourel@translate.com>
- Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:31:36 -0700
- To: <public-i18n-its@w3.org>
Minutes 2005-03-10: ITS teleconference ATTENDEES: - CL: Christian Lieske (SAP) - DS: Dianne Stoick (Boeing) - MI: Masaki Itagaki (Invited Expert) - TF: Tim Foster (Sun) - YS: Yves Savourel (ENLASO) REGRETS: - AZ: Andrzej Zydron (Invited Expert) AGENDA: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2005JanMar/0008.html === NEW MEMBER: SAP has join the Working Group and Christian Lieske is the representative. Christian is based in Waldorf, Germany. Involved with linguistic-related work, as well as XML. He has been involved with the OASIS XLIFF working group, LISA OSCAR and the OLIF effort. === FACE-TO-FACE MEETING: SAP may be able to provide a local for the meeting. CL is working on it. YS has counted 6 members who should be able to attend. === COLLABORATIVE WORK: WIKI AZ has posted an example of wiki (http://www.xwiki.com). YS still has to get the information about: a) would it be possible to use the same wiki as the GEO WG (http://esw.w3.org/topic/FrontPage), but with write access protected. b) if not, is it OK to use another wiki (outside the W3C). === DISCUSSION ON THE REQUIREMENTS: - The requirement draft for "Indicator of container size" has been posted: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2005JanMar/0034.html As well as some comments. - MI asked clarification of localization properties, tags set, etc. The discussion established a basic common understanding of those concepts. YS to summarize and post this for possible inclusion in the requirements documents. - Going back to the "container size" topic, YS mentioned his concern about units and additional information needed with it (e.g. encoding with bytes, font info with pixel, etc.) - TF and CL established the idea of using a more generic approach where the notion of constraints would be separated from the type of constrains, making things more flexible. CL to post an example. - Same principle would apply to the "allowed characters" constraints. - Discussion on entities. Need to look at both entities declaration and entity references. Attendees shared their experience with regard to dealing with entities. Probably mostly for guidelines. CL+YS to post a start of description for entities requirements. - Discussion on the use of CDATA. Everyone ha run into issue with CDATA sections and inline codes seen as text. CL pointed to an article by Norman Walsh (http://www.xml.com/lpt/a/2003/08/20/embedded.html). TF to post a summary of the problem. === OTHER BUSINESS: - None. - Next meeting will be Thursday Mar-17 at 15:00 UTC. === ACTION ITEMS: - YS to check if it's possible to use the EWS wiki with write access control and if not, if using a (secure) wiki external to the W3C is OK. - YS to summarize definitions for localization properties, localization directives/tag set. - TF to post a start of description of the issues related to the use of CDATA sections. - CL to post some samples to illustrate the concept of generic constraints. - CL+YS to post a start of description for the issues related to entities. Cheers, -yves
Received on Thursday, 10 March 2005 21:32:13 UTC