Minutes 2005-06-08: ITS teleconference

Minutes 2005-06-08: ITS teleconference


- TF: Tim Foster (Sun)
- RI: Richard Ishida (W3C)
- CL: Christian Lieske (SAP)
- YS: Yves Savourel (ENLASO)
- DS: Diane Stoick (Boeing)
- AZ: Andrzej Zydron (Invited Expert)


- MI: Masaki Itagaki (Invited Expert)
- NN: Naoyuki Nomura (Ricoh)
- FS: Felix Sasaki (W3C)
- NT: Najib Tousni (EMI)




- NN to follow up on Running Server Software in Multilingual Environment.
We will think more about this usage scenario. To remove from the action items for now.

- RI to ask to the appropriate W3C contact how to handle feedback from non-WG-members.
Not done yet --> For next meeting.
Related: FS asked a question related to the same issue to Philippe Le Hegaret:
Philippe answered this:

- RI to contact person for Atom.
Not done yet --> For next meeting.

- All: Try to get feedback from their companies (i.e. via AC reps).

- YS to update "Usage Scenario: Content Authoring" as per discussion.
Done: <http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0504ReqTechWriter>
Will be moved to Working Draft status next week if no more comments are posted.

- YS to create a new requirement item for "Multilingual Documents"
(spin of "Identifying Language/Locale").
Done: <http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0506ReqMultilingualDoc>

- MI to complete changes in "Identifying Language/Locale"
Done: <http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0503ReqLangLocale>

- MI to work on "Cultural Aspects of the Content"
Not done yet --> For next meeting.

- YS to generalize the "container size" requirement
Started but not posted yet --> For next meeting.

- FS to work on paper draft for 'Extreme Markup'.
Started but not posted yet.

- FS to check if the W3C/ERCIM hosting a face-to-face meeting would be an option.
Done: <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-its/2005AprJun/0042.html>
We discussed possible times: [Aug-31 to Sep-2] or [Sep-19 to Sep-21]. All to look at whether they would be able to come or not and
which date is better. So far, DS noted that the second date would be better for her.
Please answer by Jun-22.

- CL to write a summary section for "Purpose specification/Mapping"
Done: <http://esw.w3.org/topic/its0504ReqPurposeSpecMap>
RI may have possible comments to post (need to think more about it).


- We discussed "Requirement for Word Count"
AZ noted that we should probably be talking about "metrics" rather than "word-count".
CL agreed and noted we would also maybe need a requirement for the representation of the count results.
RI noted that the current draft does not have any wording in the form of a requirement.
CL summarized that we have really two requirements: a) the need to be able to specify the things that should be counted, and b) the
need to be able to have a  container for the resulting metrics.
TF wondered if we need a storage count mechanism as this may be already done by other formats (e.g. XLIFF) and if we need to store
the results in the original document.
AZ said it would be just a possibility if some formats see that need.
Most agreed that we need to change the title to tak about metrics rather than word count.

- We discussed "Indicator of Translatability"
CL noted the relationship between countability and translatability.
We discussed how these two concepts mesh together in the translation process.
CL noted that the concept of 'descriptive' vs. 'prescriptive' was coming again. Here for example, they could be mapped to
translatable="yes" and translate="yes".
YS asked whether the total of the counts would be the sum of what is marked to-translate="yes" and to-count="yes". Assuming that
something marked as to-translate is implicitly marked as to-count.
We all agreed more worked needed to be done on those two somewhat related topics. AZ and YS to try to updated the drafts.


- YS noted that we are making progress in building the First Draft Requirement document and pointed the location of a very early
"under-construction" page <http://www.w3.org/International/its/requirements> made to test the building process.

- Next teleconference is Wednesday Jun-15 at 14:00 UTC, IRC: #i18n.


- RI to ask to the appropriate W3C contact how to handle feedback from non-WG-members.

- RI to contact person for Atom.

- All: Try to get feedback from their companies (i.e. via AC reps).

- All to comment on "Usage Scenario: Content Authoring" if needed. It will go to Working Draft next week if no comments are made.

- MI to work on "Cultural Aspects of the Content"

- YS to generalize the "container size" requirement

- FS to work on paper draft for 'Extreme Markup'.
Started but not posted yet.

- YS to work on "Indicator of Translatability"

- AZ to work on "Requirements for Word Count" (Metrics)


Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2005 15:58:29 UTC