[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0505ReqUniqueID" by fsasaki

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The following page has been changed by fsasaki:

  [[CL Does "unique accross all" mean "globally unique" or "unique within a document set". If it is the latter, we need a mechanism that describes a document set.]]
+ '''[[FS-''' "unique accross all documents" leads to a problem: You cannot assign two attributes with the type ID to an element. If there is already an ID attribute in a schema, it might not be possible to change the value for ITS purposes. So we might have the problem that the same ID value occurs in different documents, since ID uniqueness in XML is defined document specific. That is, if we want to assure uniqueness accross documents, we have to have a mechanism external to DTDs / XML Schema (Relax NG allows ID values only for compatibility reasons with DTDs), e.g. with XPath.''']]'''
  === Challenge/Issue ===
  In order to most effectively re-use translated text where content is re-used (either across update versions or across deliverables) it is necessary to have a unique and persistent id associated with the element.

Received on Friday, 3 June 2005 04:15:56 UTC