[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0505ReqNamingScheme" by fsasaki

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The following page has been changed by fsasaki:

  It should be possible for translation tools to rely on a finite list of element names in a given schema. '''[[FS-''' This is a problematic requirement, because of the ANY operator. In DTDs [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-element-content],  ANY requires that all elements in the content model are declared. For XML Schema [http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/#ref32] or RELAX NG [http://relaxng.org/compact-tutorial-20030326.html#id2816343] (in RELAX NG the respective construct is a name class '*') ANY allows any element in the content model, even if it is not declared. Actually this is a very powerful extension of what is possible with DTDs, e.g. you can combine your schema with XSLT / schematron, no matter what version, i.e. what set of XSLT elements you are using. It might be hard to convince people to give up that feature. Proposal for a reformulation: 'It should be possible for translation tools to rely on a finite list of element names in a given schema. Additional elements might be introduced to the schema, but they should have no influence on the application of the its tagset.'.''']]'''
- '''[[YS-''' First I think we have to realize that many of the XML documents like with that type of element names do not even have corresponding schema. they are just well-formed. (Actually as far as I can tell there is a fair amount of XML files I see go through translation that have no corresponding schema/DTD). But you are right, the term 'finite' is probably not the right one. The issue is that the names are 'unpredictable', but I can't find a way to describe it. I'll think about it.''']]'''
+ '''[[YS-''' First I think we have to realize that many of the XML documents like with that type of element names do not even have corresponding schema. they are just well-formed. (Actually as far as I can tell there is a fair amount of XML files I see go through translation that have no corresponding schema/DTD). '''[[FS-''' That is a very good and important point! And it shows a problem we might want to address: We might have the need to use the tag set to describe documents without a schema, i.e. we cannot describe the tag set as element declarations etc. Alternatively, corresponding XPath expressions might be useful, e.g. for 'ATTLIST span loc-note CDATA #REQUIRED' is s.t. like template match='span[@loc-note]'. ''']]''' But you are right, the term 'finite' is probably not the right one. The issue is that the names are 'unpredictable', but I can't find a way to describe it. I'll think about it.''']]'''
  === Challenge/Issue ===

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2005 13:29:41 UTC