Rewrite of the Extreme Paper

Hi all,

As a way to get feedback from the broader Markup Languages community, I 
propose the Extreme Markup Languages paper rewrite. The due date is 24 
June. I will work on the rewrite, but it would be great to have some 
input from the group. Christian, is it O.K. with you to be a co-author? 
Also, there is another co-author, Andreas Witt (see cc), who is a former 
colleague of me and a specialist in schema languages. He would 
contribute some parts of the solutions to the problems we state.

What follows is a rough (!) overview of the paper structure:

1. Introduction to the general goals of ITS (FS/CL)
2. Requirements of the ITS tag set (CL)
3. Current Schema Languages (FS)
4. The task of integrating ITS into existing markup vocabularies (e.g. 
influence on document models)
5. Solutions to the task:
   - Architectural forms (A.Witt)
   - RDF-based solutions (FS)
   - NRL
   - ...

Partly this is a re-use / a summary of what is in the WiKi already.
I would like to have this on the agenda today or next week / if there is 
not enough time today, although next week Richard and I will not be 



Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2005 13:09:50 UTC