[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0505WordCount" by MasakiItagaki

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The following page has been changed by MasakiItagaki:

  ''' this is a tough one to crack : basically in our XLIFF impl, we just had to admit that there may be translatable text in the programlisting, but we don't know how to wordcount it  end TF]]'''
+ [[MI The only way to manage the case above should be as as follows (you don't need the translate attribute, though...) and instruct the parser to extract only text from the programlisting element just as JDOM can do: 
+ {{{
+ <para>This is a section of java code :
+ <programlisting>
+   // this string is never used
+   String sqlConnect = "connect / as sysdba";
+   String sqlSelect = "select name from mytable where name=\"Tim\"";
+   System.out.println("<message translate="yes">But of course, you should translate this string !</message>");
+ </programlisting>
+ }}}
+ NO?
+ end of MI]]
  I realize the importance of a common way to calculate the counts, but something like GMX seems, maybe, out of scope, has it's not something to do with making documents, in general, easier to localize.
  Well, I guess I could see it as a guideline just in case some schema designers would want to include a word-count storage mechanism in their format. ''']]'''

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2005 09:12:40 UTC