[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0504ReqPurposeSpecMap" by fsasaki

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The following page has been changed by fsasaki:

   f. elements which are associated with with generated content (e.g. an element that fires a query to a database in order to pull in the data for a product catalogue)
  '''[FS] I think this approach could be complemented with a description of what characteristics the source of the mapping should have, i.e. whether it should be only elements / elements with certain attributes / attribute-values etc. I made a lengthly description of the issue at [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its/2005AprJun/0096.html].'''
+ '''[FS] Another useful input into the mapping description can be [http://dsdl.org/0584.pdf]. This is a part of an ISO-effort to standard various aspects of validation and XML-processing in general, see [http://dsdl.org/] for more information.'''
  Some reasons why this type of markup may require special attention:

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2005 14:55:40 UTC