[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0503ReqEntities" by AndrzejZydron

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The following page has been changed by AndrzejZydron:

  Following on from the previous node one can also make the following recommendations:
  1. User defined entities should never be used within #PCDATA - the text content of an element. The reasons for this have been outlined above.
  2. User defined enitities CAN be useful for the creation of boilerplate text. In this, and only this instance they can be very beneficial.
- In this instance the boilerplate text is held by Locale, so that depending on the target language the appropriate text is selected. Boiler plate text by its very nature is used for headings etc. and is linguistically complete - it stands alone and does not rely on any surrounding context. The boiler plate entities are only ever used within attributes. The composition process uses the attribute values to display the appropriate target language text: 
+ The boilerplate text is held by Locale, so that depending on the target language the appropriate text is selected. Boiler plate text by its very nature is used for headings etc. and is linguistically complete - it stands alone and does not rely on any surrounding context. The boiler plate entities are only ever used within attributes. The composition process uses the attribute values to display the appropriate target language text: 
@@ -106, +107 @@

  <!ENTITY % cals PUBLIC "-//XML-INTL//ELEMENTS CALS Table XML//EN" "cals-xml.elm">

Received on Sunday, 17 April 2005 10:03:24 UTC