Minutes 2005-04-14: ITS teleconference

Minutes 2005-04-14: ITS teleconference


- RI: Richard Ishida (W3C)
- MI: Masaki Itagaki (Invited Expert)
- CL: Christian Lieske (SAP)
- AZ: Andrzej Zydron (Invited Expert)
- YS: Yves Savourel (ENLASO)


- FS: Felix Sasaki (W3C)
- TF: Tim Foster (Sun)



=== DITA:

CL noted that DITA seems to be a potential important format and we should/could approach them to point them to the existing
localization information from Richard's paper (http://people.w3.org/rishida/localizable-dtds/) and we could possibly get some of the
DITA members to get involved in ITS.
AZ noted that for example it was difficult to identify inline elements in DITA.

YS asked if we needed to review there current work. CL noted that it would be better to do something like this after we have a
stable set of requirements.
YS to contact the DITA chair.

RI noted that other group may be also interesting: RSS, DocBook, Atom for example.
RI to look for contact person for Atom.
CL, DocBook interesting, MAML (Microsoft Assistance Markup Language) could also be interesting. We can test our concepts against
these formats. They may bring extra dimension like style sheet, image, etc (Open Document)
RI noted that C.M. Sperberg-McQueen (XML Schema) may be able to contribute some limited time. 


We discussed the wiki process and its different stages: "brainstorming", "initial draft", and "working draft". Those are labels to
get an idea for each item at what level of readiness they are. The author of each item should drive the process, deciding when it
feels its item can move to a new stage.

**We need to interact much more between meetings** if we want to move forward quickly enough. The wiki is now in place and should
allow us to be more interactive. If someone has trouble using the wiki ask RI or YS for help.

We discussed "Term identification". MI made some changes to its draft.
The resulting consensus of the discussion was that there are two main aspects to this requirement:
- one should be able to identify the terms within the content of a document.
- one should be able to link each term to additional information located possibly in a separate repository.
RI noted that the mechanism for terms could be a little similar to the one for abbreviation in XHTML. Maybe something to look at
(search in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-i18n-ig/).


YS noted that we should start thinking about the next face-to-face meeting.
Several options came up: Unicode IUC 28 in Orlando in September, Localization World in Seattle in October, WWW Conference in Japan
in May (too close).
RI mentioned that having a meeting in the US may cause problems as some may not be able to get visas (e.g. to work around that issue
WWW is looking at Canada for its next meetings). Something to keep in mind.
CL noted that it could be useful to have the meeting before one of the main milestones.
Nothing decided yet: we need to think more about all the different possibilities.

Next teleconference is Apr-21 at 14:00 UTC.


- Everyone to review the items already drafted, add comments, etc. so we can try to move forward. Here are some of the items:

Entities handling:

Term identification:

Span-like elements:

Container size:

- RI to look for contact person with Atom.

- YS to contact Don Day (DITA chair) to see if anyone in their group could work with ITS.

- YS to start a glossary page.

- YS to post a process page to summarize the wiki steps (adapted from the GEO process).

- YS to work on the front matter parts (integrate the ideas put down at the face-to-face meeting for definitions, etc).

- All who have not done it yet: go to one of the Wiki page (e.g. http://esw.w3.org/topic/itsHowTo) and register as a user. Then send
the user name to Richard so he can add you to the security user list.

- Volunteers: to take ownership of one or more requirement and start to define it more formally.


Received on Thursday, 14 April 2005 20:46:45 UTC