[minutes] IIP telecon 2018-08-24


text extract follows:


                India International Program Teleconference

24 Aug 2018




           r12a, abhijit, muthu, Akshat





      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Agenda and Minutes
          2. [5]Review of any pending action items
          3. [6]Discussion of comments in issues posted on GitHub
             for Devanagari,
      * [7]Summary of Action Items
      * [8]Summary of Resolutions

    <agendabot> clear agenda

Agenda and Minutes



    close action-11

    <trackbot> Closed action-11.


      [10] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues/18

    Muthu's ACTION: (and vivek) to verify the definitions in ch12
    for tamil

    to be done this weekend

    Convert muthu's comments to github issues

    <scribe> done by r12a

    close action-13

    <trackbot> Closed action-13.

    (all) to review css specification for features

    <scribe> ongoing

Review of any pending action items

Discussion of comments in issues posted on GitHub for Devanagari,


      [11] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues


      [12] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues/26

    <Muthu> I can't hear anyone speaking

    <Muthu> Okay, I'll redial

    <Muthu> I can't hear any of you either

    <Muthu> Richard I can hear you

    ri: Indentation style simply follows english, so may have no
    vertical space if indented
    ... we should talk with Alolita about spinning up the
    requirements docs, which is where this belongs


      [13] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues/25

    muthu: only two conjuncts ksha and shree

    <adutta> ( I've got on. Please continue, I will follow up. )


      [14] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues/18

    discussion about the issue

    muthu: the segmentation of tamil is per example a in the issue

    ri: this means that the ilreq ABNF is not valid for Tamil other
    than the two conjuncts
    ... for devanagari we suspect that it may be necessary to
    segment inside an 'orthographic syllable' if the virama is
    ... this means that the capability of the font is the deciding
    factor, rather than the encoded text

    in summary: for Tamil we're reasonably sure what to do, but not
    totally sure for devanagari

    issue #25 just contains information we should put in the
    requiements doc


      [15] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues/24

    muthu: default should be ascii numerals


      [16] https://w3c.github.io/predefined-counter-styles/#tamil-styles


      [17] http://r12a.github.io/apps/counterconverter/

    1௧ 2௨ 3௩ 4௪ 5௫ 6௬ 7௭ 8௮ 9௯ 10௰ ... 22௨௰௨ ... 222௨௱௨௰௨ ...


      [18] https://w3c.github.io/iip/templates/lreq_doc/index.html


      [19] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues/18

    akshat: only break deva inside orthographic syllable when the
    user explicitly breaks the conjunct using ZWNJ
    ... otherwise continue to keep whole orth syllable together
    ... can we capture it if the font fails to render a conjunct?

    muthu: cursor handling is not related to the font
    ... if you want to show that this should be a conjunct, but not
    in font, it's usually handled by the script processor (halfbuzz

    akshat: so the situation with the font cannot be communicated -
    can only base decisions on text
    ... this is also relevant for colouring part of a conjunct -
    currently not possible to tell what the font is doing
    ... so if the font breaks the conjunct, segment handling goes
    across cluster

    ri: so the segmentation behaviour depends on the script,
    because tamil is different from devanagari

    <scribe> ACTION: Akshat to document some requirements for
    segmentation using the examples in issue #18

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-17 - Document some requirements for
    segmentation using the examples in issue #18 [on Akshat Joshi -
    due 2018-08-31].

    க்ஷ, ஶ்ரீ , and ஸ்ரீ

    śrī , srī

    <Akshat> ksha, śrī , srī

    <Akshat> ksha, shri, sri


      [20] https://r12a.github.io/pickers/tamil/?text=க், ஶ்ரீ , ஸ்ரீ


      [21] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues/21


      [22] https://github.com/w3c/iip/issues/21#issuecomment-415484920

    <adutta> 1. The "problem" of the split matras COULD be looked
    at with a little more tolerant eye......

    <adutta> 2. As long as the normalization and the file-level
    storage of the split matras characters are correct, we should
    not insist on how they are typed.

    <adutta> 3. This is a similar problem with the "nukta" such as
    Ra as in baRa or Rha is teRha are similar and should be looked
    at comprehensively.

    akshat: Unicode should call out illegal combinations, and
    vendors should conform to those norms - then when user tries to
    do the wrong thing it will be brought to their attention

    <scribe> ACTION: r12a to change title of issue #21 to reflect
    the wider discussion

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-18 - Change title of issue #21 to
    reflect the wider discussion [on Richard Ishida - due

    <Akshat> The three biggest bodies in the Text world (Unicode ,
    ICANN and W3C) can come together to specify what is a right
    combination (only structurally, not semantically) and what is
    strictly wrong combination...once that specification comes
    out...all application developers have to conform to that....

    <Akshat> once that has happened, users can see clear cases of
    wrong inputting...

    <Akshat> that will eventually lead to changes to wrong user

    meeting adjourned

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Akshat to document some requirements for
    segmentation using the examples in issue #18
    [NEW] ACTION: r12a to change title of issue #21 to reflect the
    wider discussion

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 24 August 2018 06:35:35 UTC