[minutes] Hebrew layout telecon 2017-07-25


text version follows:

  Hebrew Layout Task Force Teleconference

    25 Jul 2017

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2017/07/25-hlreq-irc>


    (no, one), Lina, Amir


  * Topics <#agenda>
  * Summary of Action Items <#ActionSummary>
  * Summary of Resolutions <#ResolutionSummary>


<r12a> lina, to clear the agenda it may be necessary to dismiss zakim

<r12a> and then reinvite

<r12a> same for info about attendees

<r12a> to dismiss a bot write <botname> bye

<r12a> to reinvite say /invite #hlreq <botname>

<r12a> usually they time out between meetings, so it didn't occur to me
to mention it before

hi Richard

ok I see

bye zakim

zakim bye

<r12a> hm

<r12a> ah, sorry that's it: zakim, bye (with a comma)

<r12a> i'll reinvite

<r12a> and the reinvite syntax is actually /invite zakim #hlreq

<r12a> hmm, sorry about that

<r12a> so let's try it

<r12a> ok, good to go Lina

<r12a> i'll add that information to

so I was interrupted



Richard, I am meeting with Amir today

To discuss work division

<r12a> great

We were planning to use a local phone line

- and iirc

<r12a> ok

<r12a> where you planning to have another call with others later?

yes sure, next week

<r12a> ah ok

<r12a> not today then

I will announce it thru mailing list

no not today

How can I send an individual meeting invite to all invitees?

for the next week

<r12a> lina, send an agenda to the public-hlreq-admin@w3.org list like
this one?



+present Amir

<aharoni> http://w3c.github.io/typography/

Amir: if somebody teaches Hebrew, and wants to write letters and 
separately (e.g. using different colors, fonts, etc)
... it's a subtopic that is worth to cover
... it's something that is probably specific to Hebrew (but some other
langs too)
... concerning cursive text
... desirable to consult some typography expert
... some oppose using italic for Hebrew
... it's common to use bold that italic for Hebrew to emphasize
... still, we need an expert opinion
... lower / upper case irrelevant
... First letter is ok to emphasize

Like different fonts, sizes, typefaces, etc. to distinguish first letter

Amir: samples can be found on the web, Amir/ Lina also have some

Inline spacing: should not be different from English

Quotation marks:

<aharoni> quotation marks: there are several styles in Hebrew

<aharoni> most common today, because of what is available on most
keyboards: "double quote 'single quote in an internal quotation' ending
double quote"

<< >>

<aharoni> According to Academy of Hebrew Language, should be:

<aharoni> „מירכאות נמוכות בהתחלה ‚נמוכות בודדות באמצע’ גבוהות כפולות בסוף”

<aharoni> This is according to the Academy, and it was also common
practice in print until early 2000s, before computers took over

<aharoni> On macOS and iOS there are only these characters: ״ and ׳

<aharoni> These are gershayim and geresh, which are good as gershayim
and geresh, but not as quotation marks (merkhaot).

<aharoni> on the standard Hebrew keyboard (SII 1492 2012), implemented
in Windows 8, all these quotation marks are available.

<aharoni> r12a: Only in very old printed texts. Today it survives in
prayer books, and even there it's probably in reprints and now in
newly-set books.

<aharoni> Michael Everson did some research on that.

<r12a> ok, may be worth a small paragraph somewhere in the doc to
mention that

<r12a> it's good to know what isn't required sometimes

<r12a> rather than just not mentioned

<aharoni> Aha - so that exists, indeed, and something similar definitely
exists in some Western languages as an emphasis device.

<aharoni> _possibly_ this is more common in Hebrew than italics, but I'm
not totally certain.

<aharoni> gotta go now, thanks for the image!

Thanks, Richard

    Summary of Action Items

    Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Best regards,
Lina Kemmel

Received on Thursday, 27 July 2017 13:19:22 UTC