[ESW Wiki] Update of "geoEncoding" by DavidClarke

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The following page has been changed by DavidClarke:

The comment on the change is:
Added comparison images

  Internally, computers store characters as numeric codes. The relationship between these numbers and the characters they represent is the character encoding.
  == Why does this cause problems? ==
- When different computer systems use different character encodings it is oftne produces an unreadable result. [[DRC I think I should have a graphic here illustrating the result e.g. A little Japanese encoded as UTF-8 but displayed as iso2022-jp]]
+ When different computer systems use different character encodings it is often produces an unreadable result. For example :
+ http://www.dragonthoughts.com/w3/hiraganautf8asiso8859-1.gif should appear as http://www.dragonthoughts.com/w3/hiraganautf8.gif

  == Why should I care? ==
  If other people need to read your content, then the character encoding settings must be compatible, of the recipients can't read it.

Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2006 10:29:28 UTC