FW: FTF Agenda: Draft 1

Agenda & actions review

Info Share

- bring your own contributions !

- new techniques index http://localhost/International/technique-index

- See http://www.w3.org/International/2003/plan.html#meeting 
 * New article: Language tags in HTML and XML  - propose to publish!!
 * Language techniques: Proposal to publish another interim draft!! ; proposal to point to resource links, rather than include them; discussions on any points raised; 

- Volunteers for spec reviews? http://www.w3.org/International/core/reviews.html (esp. ATAG)

- proposal from RI to merge FAQ and Article lists into one

Review of GEO Work Items: 

- http://www.w3.org/International/2003/plan.html


- Team Photo

- Handing of resources in techniques docs - externalise or not?

- Previous charter review Review of previous charter, what went well, what could have been done better - But should not spend too much time on it - Maybe identify sub-elements

- Current charter review Set out road map of work for the new charter

- progress on investigations into use of wiki to support comments on documents - see 
 an example at http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoFaq1

- update on discussions about site improvements with Shawn Henry, WAI

- FAQ and article production Discuss how we could improve the production of FAQs, etc - Tactics - Stumbling blocks, what holds us back - wiki?

- Liaising with other i18n groups Clarify GEO liaison with the other I18N WGs & W3C activities - Good to discuss with core group how we interact with them, eg work on language attributes - We are sometimes having to find solutions to problems people hadn't understood very well - We need to ensure we get buy in - AP concerned we ensure we have adequate collaboration - Exciting & inspirational for us in GEO to hear about future developments from the other I18N WGs - Discuss process issues, which goes 2 ways. Core will want to produce material that geo will package & publish on their behalf

- Global gateway

- GEO site user scenarios Identify user scenarios for GEO site including different levels, cf Susan's getting started Usability. - Who is using the site? - What info are they interested in? - Scenario = task-based analysis - Observation of users? how?

- GEO site user survey How do we take this further?

- Outreach resources Re outreach, identify web developer resources across the web inc in languages other than English, include such a list of resources on the site?? - Make wider discussion about resources we'd like to see

- Language attributes - guest speaker Consider future use of language attribute, get a strong sense of where it's going, language vs/& locale, etc - Presentation by AP (chair, Core WG) who has done much work in this area

- I18n approved logo Discuss I18N tick logo, cf CSS, HTML - motivation for I18N developers

- Web best practice Discuss best practice with web where it's at now vs best practice for the future - should we clearly indicate in our material what's pragmatic now vs - - how we'd like it to be


RI: Get Tex to re-join group.

DC: circulate Unicode FAQ as soon as possible. - After techniques work. 

RI: Propose solution to Andrea's comment about capitalisation of i18n/l10n

See also GEO work items: http://www.w3.org/International/2003/plan.html

More long term actions: 

SM: Getting started page ((Link:
develop management & design views & circulate for review & additional material/ideas

RI ACTION to liaise with Ivan Herman about getting translations of the Getting Started material (when completed in English).

Received on Thursday, 3 March 2005 14:54:12 UTC