[ESW Wiki] Update of "geoFAQxmllang" by

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  In addition, while it is possible to define your own formats for all the various values that you need, it is sometimes helps interoperability to define formats using a shared vocabulary, such as XML Schema. XML Schema provides a type for language values (xsi:language) which is defined using RFC 3066.
+ == By the way ==
+ It's important to remember that ''xml:lang'' has scope. This can be used to identify the language for a lot of content (without having redundant language tags on every element). For example, it is good practice to put ''xml:lang'' into your {{{<html>}}} element at the start of an XHTML document:
+ {{{<html
+   xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" 
+   lang="en"
+   xml:lang="en">
+ }}}
+ Consider the following example document:
+ {{{
+   <a xml:lang="en">
+      <b>example 1</b>
+      <c xml:lang="">example 2</c>
+      <d>example 3</d>
+      <e attr="example 4">en-US</e>
+      <f xml:lang="de">example 5</f>
+   </a>
+ }}}
+ In the example, the contents of elements <b> and <d> and the attribute ''attr'' of element <e> are all tagged as being in English ('en'). The content of element <c> is tagged with the empty language. The content of element <f> is tagged as being in German ('de'). Element <e> itself contains what appears to be a language tag ("en-US"): its content is not in English, but rather conveys the value of "U.S. English".

Received on Thursday, 30 June 2005 21:44:55 UTC