Minutes 2005-05-25: GEO telecon

Minutes 2005-05-25: GEO telecon, at at 17:00 UTC/GMT, 10:00 Seattle, 13:00 Boston, 18:00 London, 19:00 Paris, 03:00 Melbourne

Deborah Cawkwell (BBC)
Molly Holzschag (No affiliation)
Richard Ishida (W3C, Chair)
Russ Rolfe (Microsoft)
Felix Sasaki (W3C)

Susan Miller (Boeing)

Action: RI to resurrect this email, add to agenda for for next week

RI: Propose solution to Andrea's comment about capitalisation of i18n/l10n - ongoing
RI, implement agreed changes to resource boxes in techniques doc - ongoing
RR, make list of dev resources & divy up (outreach) - RR sent out about 3 weeks ago. List needs to be divided, each member to contact list owner 1) to join 2) to publicize new docs on GEO. 

Celebrating W3C 10 years old in Europe - next week (Friday)
RI: speaking about how W3C as unifying force in europe
RI: to attend AC Rep meeting
RI: Casablanca, LISA in Africa, focus: localization technology
RI: attending CSS WG next week
RR: week 5-10 June MS tech meeting in Orlando
DC: BBC colleague, Ian Forrester to speak at XTech, Amsterdam re RSS for a worldwide audience. Presentation/paper to be circulated to W3C I18N.


Molly Holzschlag (MH) joined as new member: 
- web design for as long as web has existed; 
- areas of interest: markup: HTML, CSS, accessibility
- technical publication author
- WASP committee member

Discussion re Getting Started material

- idea is to provide a softer starting point
- i18n in 10 points
- unfortunately SM couldn't be at meeting & this is first time group has submitted comments/discussed
- very good quality content & seen as key in GEO work
- not sure about structure
- would like to see a more scannable/bulleted approach
- skeleton structure at top would help overview/review process
- emphasize (initial/foundation) i18n architecture
- overview of different topics in terms of headings
- discussion around structuring in terms of bullets, or more headings on paragraphs
- more links & visualized links
- as succinct as possible
- as scanable as possible, eatable bites
- could there be a structuring convention providing an information delivery model for the user? 

- the text seemed to assume translation
- some sites don't have a one-to-one mapping between each language page
- localisation & resources aspect - not all information relevant to each language/locale
- some sites don't translate word-for-word, but rather use 'English' information as a resource in addition to their language/locale-specific resources
- content negociation (on server) not necessarily relevant (if no one-to-one mapping) - user finds information within their language/locale context
- page-serving variables relevant, eg, language (IANA code) & encoding
Your Globalization Project
- seems focussed on problems, rather than think about this, think about that...
- in terms of structure, seems to be owned by manager, not by whole team, ie, manager/editorial, designer, developer, etc

WIKI editing discussion
- now bold not necessary for comments, but can be used (felt useful by some)   
- comments should now be within double brackets

What to do next week
In the pipeline
iff SM available, then Getting Started
Unicode upgrade?


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Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2005 12:47:21 UTC