RE: meta charset really better come before non-ASCII text


I tested with a slightly different version of IE 6.0 and as with Richard,
had no trouble with either.  I tested locally as well as on a server.

If you want a variety of people trying this out, I can have friends at WaSP
look at this today as well, we'd get a sampling of an additional 20 people
or so along with folks here.  Just let me know, it's easy and quick enough
to do.

Molly :)

Molly E. Holzschlag
Author / Instructor / Web Designer
About Me:
About Web Standards:
About W3C GEO Working Group:  

> This may be specific to some version of IE (I'm using
> 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.05031-1519), or some settings, or due to
> the fact that I did this locally, or it may be more general.
> The files I used are attached; testie3.html displays well,
> testie4.html shows a blank page.

Received on Thursday, 7 July 2005 08:58:19 UTC