Re: New FAQ: entities and NCRs


Thanks for the explanation. Now I understand.

-- Felix

> On Mon, 04 Jul 2005 23:27:25 +0900, Chris Lilley <> wrote:

> On Monday, July 4, 2005, 6:16:52 AM, Felix wrote:
> FS> On Mon, 04 Jul 2005 12:11:26 +0900, Chris Lilley <>  
> wrote:
>>> On Monday, July 4, 2005, 5:00:15 AM, Felix wrote:
>>> FS> You'll need an XML DTD processor which expands the entity
>>> FS> references before RelaxNG validation.
>>> Parsing XML requires an XML parser, which is required to expand  
>>> entities
>>> defined in the internal DTD subset. The infoset thus produced may then  
>>> be
>>> passed to a RelaxNG processor. There is no such thing as an "XML DTD
>>> processor" separate from an XML parser.
>>> Perhaps you are confusing  parsing and DTD validation?
> FS> Maybe.
> (DTD) Validation is an optional feature in XML. There are
> two classes of product, validating parsers and non validating parsers.
> For non-validating parsers, fetching the external DTD subset is
> optional(unfortunately there are no names for these two classes of
> non-validating parser).
> FS> Do you need an XML parser to produce the infoset on which RelaxNG
> FS> validation takes place?
> Yes.
> FS> If the answer is yes, then I'm wrong and there is no problem. The
> FS> RelaxNG spec for DTD compatibility [1] doesn't talk about that, but
> FS> just says something like "We don't handle entity declarations":
> Which means, RelaxNG (and indeed, same for W3C XML Schema) does not
> provide an alternative mechanism that could be used to replace the
> entity mechanism. For RelaxNG,this is because as a design decision,
> RelaxNG only validates. It makes no change to the infoset. (W3C XML
> Schema does make changes to the infoset, hence the term PSVI (post
> schema validation infoset).
> It does not mean, as you seemed to read it, that using RelaxNG disables
> the built in entity expansion that XML parsers do.

Received on Monday, 4 July 2005 14:31:46 UTC