- From: Richard Ishida <ishida@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:52:00 +0100
- To: "GEO" <public-i18n-geo@w3.org>
To correct something in or add to these minutes, use reply-to. To begin a dicussion about a topic in these minutes create a new email *with an appropriate heading*. ================================================ Minutes 2005-08-10: GEO telecon, at at 17:00 UTC/GMT, 10:00 Seattle, 13:00 Boston, 18:00 London, 19:00 Paris, 03:00 Melbourne ATTENDEES Deborah Cawkwell (BBC) Andrew Cunningham (State Library of Victoria) Molly Holzschag (No affiliation) Richard Ishida (W3C, Chair) APOLOGIES David R Clarke (University of Sheffield) - hoped to join late Russ Rolfe (Microsoft) ADDITIONAL ITEMS None ACTIONS This meeting / brainstorming: ACTION AC to create list for GEO 'Quick Tips' (QT) card ACTION AC mono- vs multi-lingual sites: email observations ACTION MH expand/elucidate tags example: Flickr vs Google by email ACTION ALL work on audience, task, tag set (to be clearly explained by RI in separate email) Previous meeting / document work ACTION RI - set up rights for GEO members on WIKI ACTION DC to check tests (FAQ: Styling using the lang attribute) on base browsers as identified in previous documents ACTION RI publish FAQ (FAQ: Styling using the lang attribute) as replacement for current version. DC xml:lang FAQ comments (xml:lang in XML document schemas) to chair ACTION RI/AP liaison, then send for wide review (xml:lang in XML document schemas) ACTION RI: check with Addison whether zh-HK is best tag for Cantonese given multiple dialecst in HongKong (xml:lang in XML document schemas) ACTION RR: (FAQ: changing page encoding) email re Notepad (?) ACTION RI: (FAQ: changing page encoding) send out for wide review ACTION RI: (FAQ: Using character entities and NCRs) to add in brief terms what might go wrong re conversion with XML tools ACTION RI break up 'When to use escapes' section - bit off-putting (FAQ: Using character entities and NCRs) ACTION RI: Add example to illustrate "You do not need to use leading zeros in escapes" (FAQ: Using character entities and NCRs) ACTION RI: formatting/indentation (FAQ: Using character entities and NCRs) ACTION RI: send for wide review (What should I consider wrt moving to UTF-8?) INFO SHARE RI: Lots of translations of GEO resources being added & stuff happening. Using i18n home page (http://www.w3.org/International) to promote all this - great that there's so much activity. MEETINGS Today's meeting: outreach/audience brainstorming: how to effectively present the right information that fulfils the user task. Agreed: useful & invigorating to brainstorm as well as review documents in meeting time. REVIEW OF GEO WORK ITEMS Documents in progress - not much movement. See GEO plan/work items pipeline http://www.w3.org/International/2003/plan.html DISCUSSIONS MH/RI: offline discussion re MH role in GEO group & outreach/audience. (Outreach is a GEO remit as well as online Guidelines) MH role - How best to work with GEO - MH much skill/experience with outreach/audiences - DC experience of this at web conference, Washington 2001, where MH engaged with audience knowledge of current HTML standard: 2-way interaction; clear, strong, evangelizing message about what was the current HTML standard, ie XHTML 1.0 (of which most delegates were unaware) - MH standards engagement - active WASP member - use & sharing of W3C standards - MH strong on editorial presentation/cut; author of several successful/popular book resources on web technologies - MH technical skills: html, css, accessibility - MH - overwhelmed by content on GEO site - how to get across it all - concerned re lack of i18n knowledge - MH - outreach (2-way dialog) & editorial presentation is where MH can do most work whilst getting up-to-speed on i18n - MH - 2-way dialog helps to shape audience who-is - MH - open to input from rest of GEO group Outreach material format - Not just web material - Crib sheets, cf, WAI/WCAG 'Quick Tips' card with top tips/pointers - Different formats could be useful, eg, PDF I18N Quiz on GEO site - cf w3schools (HTML: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_quiz.asp; CSS: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_quiz.asp & w3schools continually adding to site, so undoubtedly will be more in more advanced areas of web technology) Getting Started - Seems generally agreed that this is useful - But, what is the best approach? - Daunting in terms of bringing to fruition, possibly because it aims to describe the (whole) world of i18n. Too monolithic? Alternative approach to Getting Started material - cf, last week's meeting: talking about new FAQ (Changing page encoding - http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoChangingEncoding) - Series of steps, & different in terms of pointing to other/existing GEO resources, rather than blocks of textual explanation *within* that FAQ - Could Getting Started material follow this model? GEO top tips card - Modelled on / inspired by WAI/WCAG card - Agreed good/interesting idea - Priority? - Would have to be collaborative across GEO - ACTION AC to create list for card (has to produce this sort of checklist for some of local government web masters) - Checklist - Principles, things you have to consider, eg --- choose your encoding & declaration properly --- dec lang & where it changes --- then that's it for those topics --- nice & succinct --- & where to go for more information GEO end users/audience - Current material a bit diffuse - How to get head round all the FAQs - Possible approach: step-by-step? - Possible approach: pointers? - Agreed for 'general' audience - What does that mean? - 'General' = beginner? - 'Beginner' = web technologies beginner or i18n beginner? - Must be aimed at broadest possible audience - MH in presentation work has noticed big increase in i18n: 50-60% (inc interest) User/audience pathways - Rather than *define* the user, engage with user pathways/tasks - For Getting Started material, if you are a developer, here is a pathway - Different pathway for manager, designer, etc... - Different pathways into the same information for different audiences, different ways of doing - Agreed that a pathways/task approach is useful, given the differing levels of web tech knowledge of different users requiring i18n information - RI proposes that we focus on what's available at any given time on the site, rather than try to describe i18n issues with too broad a brush How to categorize GEO material for audience - Try to define role of person addressed - OR try to define through tasks - Tagging, ie, keywords, eg 'CSS, HTML' or 'schema', - For a possible location see http://www.w3.org/International/questions/temp Changing / increased sophistication of web developer role - cf, FAQ xml:lang in XML document schemas (http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoFAQxmllang) - Seen as different sort of FAQ, addressing different sort of developer from usual (last week's meeting) - BUT just as web development material increasing in complexity, so are skills of web developer - Comparison: 5 years ago: web developers generally front-end focussed, now (also) increase in back-end skill requirement for web developers - general increase in technical sophistication (eg, RDBMS, rather than .dbm files) & focus on standards (organisation/industry/W3C) Reaching out to English as a(nother) language - Language mark-up / use of Unicode should be as relevant / apply to English mono-lingual sites as well as to 'other' language sites - How to Outreach to developers who don't (need to) think about language (as a problem)? - Mono-lingual vs multi-lingual sites - ACTION AC mono- vs multi-lingual sites: email observations - eg, alt tag remains in English (language of developer?) but link/button text in other language - English-centric issue - Parallel with WAI - non-disabled-centric - Sites should be available *with all information* no matter what profile of end user / audience: any place, any language, every body - Every body, should be able to get every thing - cf, RNIB (Julie Howell) (rough representation of what she said at BBC Usability Conference): no ghettos for blind people, they want junk mail too, they want everything everybody else gets (http://www.rnib.org.uk/xpedio/groups/public/documents/publicwebsite/public_pr010705.hcsp) How does audience feed into Getting Started? - Had discussed basic distinction, ie, developer, manager, designer - Is this the right approach? - Maybe other categories of people? - Maybe easier to say "this article should be read by someone who is ....", eg: --- surfing web --- writing XSLT - Task-related Audience: digging down: finding what they're looking for (task related) - Many layers of dealing with W3C material - Many developers do not engage with W3C in any way at all - Specs are difficult & would seem irrelevant to many developers - A particular strand of developers engage with W3C output Information/resource rating - MH: at Web Review, articles rated - general level: 1 - advanced: 3 - people could use this to search - RI tried this sort of labelling on GEO articles - difficult - What does technical level refer to? - 'advanced' in what? HTML, XML, RSS, semantic web? - probably need to express beginner/advanced as related to i18n - information/resources that address the task vs fills a knowledge hole (where user thought they knew *all* that) - however, eg. What are NCRs and entities? (http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-escapes.html) is useful for both beginners and advanced practitioners Pointers to i18n information - Agreed good idea - Point to appropriate material where possible, don't re-invent the wheel - However, awareness that GEO material doesn't currently consistently address all i18n issues, eg, (permutations of) language attribute information is strong, not so strong is navigation between different language-based instances of web resources >From RI, some possible task-oriented categories: - site architecture - writing CSS - designing page layout - troubleshooting problems - content authoring using wysiwyg tools - developing authoring tools - creating schemas - web surfing - programming Web applications/databases - managing Web projects - designing information architecture / usability - creating or tweaking html/xhtml code (ie. content authoring) - for articles dealing with charset or lang declaration this rolls together people who are using tools or not, and people who are developing scripts to generate code) - authoring content (this is a tricky one, since for our current set of articles it really relates to creating or tweaking the html/xhtml code - even people who use wysiwyg tools Tagging - Use of '(meta) keywords' made explicit in the web presentation - cf Microformats - Tagging explicitly on page: http://www.w3.org/International/questions/temp (see top) - Forward-compatibility - Extensibility - Tags would assist in pathways - Come up with microformat set of tags - Each article that exists would be tagged, also tag anything that's new User interest/knowledge tags intersection with user tasks - Tasks meet the tags - Task is a bundle of search queries - Useful pathway - cf social software - ACTION MH expand/elucidate tags example: Flickr vs Google by email User levels - Different entry points - Hotel analogy --- Reception for beginners - Getting Started --- Signage to useful locations for others, tags can be used as browsing all the content on site: that's a mechanism that would be appropriate for intermediate/advanced - Getting Started --- Who are you? --- if you are x --- you need to worry about y set - 2nd approach - More detailed --- Are you dev-ing schemas --- Are you writing schemas --- Are you writing xslt --- What kind of things are you trying to work on? - Those divisions might tie into tags on specific articles - Tags equivalent to section headings in Getting Started materials - Agreed a mixture of both could be useful MOVING FORWARD FROM THIS BRAINSTORM ACTION ALL 1) Look at task list 2) Match articles to task list - refine task list, especially last 2, which were more problematic 3) tag set - independently come up with tag list DC to produce minutes ASAP as reference point for this work RI to circulate minutes & to separately circulate task ACTION DC send out minutes asap RI to circulate minutes RI to circulate Outreach task referencing information in minutes http://www.bbc.co.uk/ This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated. 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Received on Thursday, 11 August 2005 09:52:12 UTC