Re: FW: [WSG] choosing encoding, charset and using special characters

Hi all,

Russ Rolfe wrote:

> On Nov 18, 2004 2:08 PM Matthew Cruickshank wrote
>>I think it's even a difficult article for techies, because there's little good advice. 
>>So here's some good advice,

a lot of people link to this document.

> He was talking about (
> Maybe we should re think this and others of our documents.

My gut reaction is that there is a need for different types of documents 
for different audiences. There is a lot of interesting detail in the 
tutorial, and i'd be tempted not to change it too much.

Although, there is an need for a simple step-by-step guide with 
recommendations that would be suitable for the novice. I was intending 
to spend some time in December trying to put something together. I was 
thinking of using a core document, and creating additional 
sections/chapters that look at design issues relating to CJK and ARabic 
script languages, minority and endangered langauges, etc.

Just a loose idea at the moment.

Andrew Cunningham
e-Diversity and Content Infrastructure Solutions
Public Libraries Unit, Vicnet
State Library of Victoria
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne  VIC  3000

Ph. 3-8664-7430
Fax: 3-9639-2175

Received on Thursday, 18 November 2004 23:52:30 UTC