Non-Latin Font name behavior in IE

Dear all,

I was asked to find out how IE handles non-Latin font names.  

For example

Will IE running on an English version of XP correctly realize that the font name in the below HTML code

   <font face="MS Pゴシック">日本語</font>  

Should resolve to "MS PGothic"?


Windows 2000 and later processes the Asian (non-Latin) native font names the same way as the Latin font name. It is just a function of the OS and not a function of IE. Of course this means that it does not work on Win9x.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Regards, Russ (rrolfe)
One of the World-Ready Guides (wrg)
Are you World-Ready?

Received on Thursday, 18 March 2004 13:37:58 UTC