[I18N GEO] Re: Spare rooms at Tech Plen?
[TP2004] Royal Hotel Casino fare is reduced
Agenda for GEO mtg at Tech Plen
AGENDA: I18N GEO TF telcon, 2004-02-04 at 19:00 UTC/GMT, 11am San Jose, 2pm Boston, 19:00 London, 20:00 Paris, 6am Melbourne (next day!)
AGENDA: I18N GEO TF telcon, 2004-02-11 at 19:00 UTC/GMT, 11am San Jose, 2pm Boston, 19:00 London, 20:00 Paris, 6am Melbourne (next day!)
AGENDA: I18N GEO TF telcon, 2004-02-18 at 19:00 UTC/GMT, 11am San Jose, 2pm Boston, 19:00 London, 20:00 Paris, 6am Melbourne (next day!)
AGENDA: I18N GEO TF telcon, 2004-02-25 at 19:00 UTC/GMT, 11am San Jose, 2pm Boston, 19:00 London, 20:00 Paris, 6am Melbourne (next day!)
BOM vs. file inclusions (was: Re: Hexdump web service)
Character encoding tutorial
Charset tutorial: updated
FAQ: What is the 'lang' attribute and why do I need it?
GEO ftf during Tech Plen?
Hebrew accessibility
Hexdump web service
Important: Tech Plen registration
New FAQ: When to use language negotiation?
New look & feel for FAQs
New tutorial, first draft: Language markup in XHTML and CSS
New tutorial: Language markup in XHTML and CSS
New version of character encoding tutorial
New version of techniques
Please check out I18N test suite
Please register for the GEO meeting
RE : Vonage telecons at tech plen?
Unicode character pickers
Updated FAQ on display capabilities
Vonage telecons at tech plen?
What is the 'lang' attribute and why do I need it?
Last message date: Sunday, 29 February 2004 08:49:23 UTC