Re: AGENDA: I18N GEO TF telcon, 2004-04-07 at 13:00 UTC/GMT, 6am Seattle, 9am Boston, 14:00 London, 15:00 Paris, 11pm Melbourne

I'm not sure I'll be able to participate. Below some input.

At 18:04 04/04/27 +0100, Richard Ishida wrote:

>Bridge   : +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
>         with conference code 4186 (spells "I18N") Duration : 60-90 minutes
>Zakim information    :
>Zakim bridge monitor :
>Zakim IRC bot        :
>GEO Work Items:
>-       authoring techniques docs
>                 Characters and Encodings 1.0
>                 Specifying the language of content 1.0
>                 Handling Bidirectional Text 1.0
>         Proposal to publish these as 1st working drafts within a week.
>         Agreement of the group requested.

As I said before, I think these should be published.

>MD, write short para for news item about w3c switching to utf-8

I have mentioned this at
The W3C Web site is slowly transitioning to use UTF-8 in place of the 
traditional ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1). In particular, new documents under
/2004 and /TR/2004 are published as UTF-8, and many forms are converted
to use UTF-8 for better internationalization.

I think that with 4 months already gone since we made this change,
there is not that much newsworthy anymore. I propose that this
action item be closed.

Regards,    Martin.

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2004 03:51:16 UTC