- From: John Yunker <jyunker@bytelevel.com>
- Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 08:25:21 -0400
- To: <public-i18n-geo@w3.org>
Reading the notes from the meeting, I found the Q&As of the week to be VERY useful, particularly the Arabic question. Although I'm not going to be much use in contributing to the finer points of Unicode, I was wondering if we could sprinkle in some less-technical questions. If you all are up for it, here are some thoughts I had: Q: What corporate Web sites currently use Unicode? There aren't many, but I think it might be useful to highlight a few to show how Unicode is taking hold. I can put a list together of between five to 10 sites. Q: We just added a link to our Korean Web site (in Korean) on our English home page, but the text isn't displaying correctly? What's wrong? - I fielded a question just like this recently from someone who wasn't aware of the one 'charset' per Web page limitation and was using 8859-1. I could include a before and after screen shot to illustrate the problem. Q: What's the problem with this global gateway? (a screen shot of a "select language" pick list in which none of the language names are in their native languages - a common mistake. - I could then include an "after" screen shot to show how to improve the pick list. Let me know what you all think. Thanks. John Yunker jyunker@bytelevel.com
Received on Thursday, 29 May 2003 08:31:03 UTC