MINUTES: I18n GEO teleconference 030430


W3C I18n GEO Phone Conference
30 April 2003

Present: Richard (chair, scribe), Tex, Lloyd, Phil
Regrets/Absent: Martin, Steve, Andrew, Suzanne, Peter

New Actions

ACTION: Tex, prepare a Q&A pair for review on 26 May

Prior Action Items

ACTION: PA, Do some design work with RI's help: link from International
(& GEO) page, template for list of questions, template for answers that
we write ourselves. 
Started, but some delay due to unexpected pressure at work - hoping to
have something for next week

ACTION: RR, prepare a Q&A pair ready for review on 5 May. 

ACTION: MD, prepare a first Q&A pair ready for review on 12 May

ACTION: Lloyd, prepare a Q&A pair for review on 19 May.

ACTION: RI, set up Phil and Suzanne as Invited Experts
Waiting for Phil and Suzanne to send in forms

ACTION: AC to create a list of possibilities for 'non-displayable'

ACTION: Lloyd, send a list of deprecated tags in HTML by next meeting 
Moved to back burner

Action: Richard, look at ways of making the document print with a
smaller font, while avoiding any WAI issues.

All: send in pointers to existing guidelines 

Q&A Review

Building on the discussion from last week about suggested Q&A items in
Richard's email at
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-geo/2003Apr/0020.html ,
and including the gist of Martin's comments at
we agreed that it would be better NOT to point directly to other
people's stuff (eg. As suggested by proposal no. 1 in Richard's email

This gets around some potential issues related to copyright, perceived
commercial bias, up to date material, consistent presentation of
material, etc.  

The upshot is that we should write our own answers - in which we can
always point to others' sites as alternative explanations / for greater
detail etc.  

In some cases, our text will simply be a 'wrapper', in the way
http://www.w3.org/International/O-HTTP-charset points to various places
for server-specific information.  This does, however, offer an
opportunity to summarise or synthesize stuff that might be difficult to
glean from other sources.

We also discussed the format - separate pages for each question or a
long page with many questions like a typical FAQ sheet.  We opted for
separate pages for now - we can always change our minds later.

It was felt that we should probably have a special section for pointing
to useful lookup tables (such as IANA or ISO 639) to allow people to
find these quickly.  This of course doesn't preclude adding such links
to pages that answer related questions.


Next meeting:
Same time, same bridge, next week.

Richard Ishida

tel: +44 1753 480 292

Received on Friday, 2 May 2003 14:22:22 UTC