Re: [nelocsig] short rtl localization survey

Just fyi, I have updated the page to include the list of
languages/countries/scripts suggested by Russ, and a few other languages.

I have also tried to make the page a little more prescriptive, although
fundamentally you need to research your target audience.

I would be interested in your comments on the page, is it clear, is it
correct, does it agree with your experience...

I am also interested if any of you is working with an RTL language other than
Hebrew and Arabic.

Tex Texin wrote:
> I am writing a web page on right-to-left languages and want to present a
> table
> on which languages are left-to-right vs right-to-left (RTL).
> No brainer, right? Well....
> I have a list of Right-to-left scripts and associated languages, but many of
> the languages are archaic and not likely to be used for localization. Also,
> as
> most of you know, some, or perhaps many, languages can be written in more
> than
> one script.
> Azerbaijani can be written in Latin, Cyrillic, or Arabic, for example.
> I would like the web page to make recommendations for languages that are
> most
> likely to be localization targets, rather than overwhelming people with a
> lengthy list of options, which may not be used in practice for localization.
> Which brings me to my question- which languages and scripts are used in
> practice for localization?
> To answer the question, I would like to conduct a brief survey-
> If you don't mind, please send me a private mail listing the country,
> language
> and script your products are localized to.
> I am especially interested in hearing from you if you support any of the
> countries that use languages that can be written in more than one script (to
> understand if you publish in all scripts or just favor one or two scripts),
> or
> if you publish in right to left languages.
> I don't need to know your co. or anything else. I am not going to contact
> you
> or try to sell you services.
> The mail should look like this:
> country language  script
> US      english   latin
> Japan   japanese  kanji
> Iran  azerbaijani arabic
> etc.
> On the web page, I'll probably publish a similar table, and add ltr, or rtl
> to
> each row to indicate writing direction.
> I'll publish the list here if I get sufficient responses.
> If you want to see the page I am working on (I'll be glad for further
> comments), it's here
> thanks in advance for your help.
> tex
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Tex Texin   cell: +1 781 789 1898
> Xen Master                
> XenCraft              
> Making e-Business Work Around the World
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Tex Texin   cell: +1 781 789 1898
Xen Master                
Making e-Business Work Around the World

Received on Friday, 8 August 2003 04:06:03 UTC