RE: Kick off

Here are some thoughts after reading Richard's document. Any section not mention are ones that I mostly agree with.

Discussion Document: GEO directions

B. Audience, user needs and topic areas for guidelines

  Section 1.2 -- Initial distinctions on categorizing people:
     We may also want to focus solutions for two different types 
     of HTML content authors: 
       1. Those on a limited budget and only doing a few 
          pages or a small website
       2. Those with fat budgets with large websites to produce.

  Section 1.3 -- Including authoring tool/user agent developers.
     We should keep it simple and leave them out at this time.
     Anyway, if we address what that users should be doing, and
     they in turn keep asking the developers for tools to do
     what they need, the developers should fall into place.

  Section 2.1 -- Create a Techniques document
     Agreed, we need to teach general techniques that they can then
     use to address new issues they come across and don't have a
     pre-planned technique for.

  Section 2.2 -- Guideline format
     We need to be care with terminology.  Every time you call something
     a "checklist", people get the idea that if they cover everything
     on the list they don't have to worry about anything else.  Better
     not to ever use Checklist unless it really is one.

  Section 2.3 -- filters
     If we do the Guideline format right in the first place we should
     not need filters to get people to what they are looking for.  My
     fear of filters are that they may filter out to much, instead of
     to little.

  Section 2.5 -- Pointers to other resources.
     We should also point to outside resources that have tutorials 
     on using specific technology (i.e. Sun, Microsoft, etc.) to
     produce solutions.

  Section 2.6 -- Instructions rather than just rules
     On some thing I agree that instructions would be better, but
     we should not try to make everything fit this mold.  There
     may be generic concepts that we want to teach also.

  Section 2.8 -- Write information to allow for integration 
                 into relevant tasks.
     Agree.  Something we may want to look at is the format Microsoft
     has used to create it guidelines.  One starts with an overview
     and then more detailed areas for those who need or want more info.
     You can see an example of this at:    

  Section 2.9 -- Browser-specific.
     If we use something like I suggested for sec 2.8, we could add
     detailed directions for each of the major browsers as info for
     those who need to know.

  Section 2.10 -- Parallel approach for authoring tool.
     The question is there a big enough market for us to spend 
     resources for, or as stated in sec 1.3.  If we develop
     what the users need, the developers of authoring tools should 
     be able to understand what they need to do to sell more 

  Section 2.11 -- Translation of guidelines
     This is important, but are we hoping that people volunteer for
     this?  If so how do you control the quality, etc.?

I have others, but this is a good start and I will discuss them at our meeting.

Regards, Russ (rrolfe)
One of the World-Ready Guides (wrg)
Are you World-Ready?

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Ishida [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 9:00 AM
Subject: Kick off

The kick off face-to-face meeting will be in Boston on 22-23 November.  Please let me know if you are able to make it. Detailed logistics information will follow shortly.

The aim of the meeting will be to set the initial direction for the task force.

To make the discussions as effective as possible, and allow maximum input from those unable to make the meeting, I have prepared some initial ideas at .  I find it is helpful to start from a proposal when developing strategies.  Please don't take this as directive.  It is a means for developing discussion.

I would encourage everyone to make comments on the discussion document by email prior to the meeting.  Please try to build on and refer to the text in the discussion document, so that we can incorporate the ideas easily within the agenda. Alternative wordings, topics or constructive ideas are welcome!  Please try to make suggestions whenever possible.

If writing a long mail note, please try to state your ideas as concisely and clearly as possible, with a summary at the top or at the beginning of each paragraph.  Break up the text and use headings where appropriate to help the reader.

Unfortunately I have to leave for a vacation this evening, and my wife won't appreciate it if I'm reading email, so I will rejoin the discussion on Tuesday.

I look forward to reading your comments.

All the best,

Richard Ishida

The W3C Internationalization Activity has restructured, and has issued a call for participation.  

tel: +44 1753 480 292

Received on Friday, 8 November 2002 12:43:10 UTC