Re: agenda+ UTS55, UAX31 and URLPattern (FW: [whatwg/urlpattern] Consider fully supporting RTL and Bidi URLs (#43))

On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 1:01 AM Addison Phillips <> wrote:
> I think my reply to “what did you have in mind” would be to point out that “users” of urlpattern are authors of urlpatterns, not end-users of the resulting URLs and these users need protection from bidi spoofing/reordering problems. However, specific recommendations need to be approached carefully. It’s worth discussing and maybe looping in Robin Leroy and Mark Davis to explain the Unicode stuff.

How is it materially different from equivalent attacks on CSS, HTML,
or JavaScript? If it's not, I'd argue that this is not the place to
tackle this issue.

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2024 10:57:02 UTC