RE: agenda+ RE: Discontinuing simple-ruby

Hello Kida-san,


The I18N Working Group discussed this in our 2024-03-14 teleconference [1]. We approved publishing “simple-ruby” as a Working Group Note with an appropriate messages highlighted in the “status of this document” (SOTD) section.


We feel that the appropriate message would say something similar to “This is a description of how simple ruby works. At the time this document was published, work was under way to provide a more complete model for ruby. This document is no longer maintained or under development.”


I look forward to seeing a revised version for publication. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns or need help.


Kind regards,






From: 木田泰夫 <> 
Sent: Saturday, March 9, 2024 3:24 PM
To: Addison Phillips <>
Cc:; 下農 <>; Florian Rivoal <>; r12a <>
Subject: Re: agenda+ RE: Discontinuing simple-ruby


Hello Addison,


Thank you for your prompt response and advice!

Adding the warning sounds reasonable. I look forward to the discussion from the I18N meeting.




- kida


2024/03/09 23:39、Addison Phillips < <> >のメール:


Hello Kida-san,


Thanks for letting us know. I have added this topic to next week’s I18N teleconference agenda. (I copied the other two editors listed in the current draft on this message)


The simple-ruby document is on the Note track. That document track does not include a “discontinued draft” status. We should talk to various folks about the right approach, although I would suggest that we publish it as a Note with a prominent warning that the document is discontinued and is only kept as a historical reference. An example of this is the Unicode XML note here:






From: 木田泰夫 < <> > 
Sent: Saturday, March 9, 2024 6:28 AM
To: <> 
Cc: Atsushi Shimono < <> >
Subject: Discontinuing simple-ruby


Dear I18N WG,


The JLReq Task Force would like to discontinue the development of the simple-ruby document (, I notified the intention to some of you in June, 2023. I would like to make it official.



Briefly speaking we are discontinuing the document as we are planning a fundamental overhaul of the current description of ruby in jlreq-d which is in development. For example:


- We decided to stop using terms such as mono-ruby and group-ruby which reflects traditional workflow but do not necessarily aligned with modern architecture such as CSS. As mono- and group- rubies are very similar, unifying the two makes the description straightforward. Jukugo-ruby can be explained as a segmented ruby in a more generic way. Old terms will be described as historical concepts in side notes.


- Current description includes implicit assumptions that the base text and ruby are in fullwidth characters, and that the base is in Kanji and the ruby is in Kana. Considering modern usage of ruby with Japanese text it needs to be more generic, with explicit special casing for such a typical case where necessary.



We would like to update the document with currently open pull requests, publish it and make it a discontinued document. Open issues will not be addressed in simple-ruby but we will review them and move ones that are still relevant to jlreq-d.



Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you!


Best REgards,


- kida


Received on Friday, 15 March 2024 14:42:03 UTC