agenda+ FW: Reminder of Call for W3C Breakouts Day 2024 Session Proposals (before 29 February)



From: Alexandra Lacourba <> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 12:10 AM
Cc: Ian B. Jacobs <>; Francois Daoust <>
Subject: Reminder of Call for W3C Breakouts Day 2024 Session Proposals (before 29 February)


Dear Chairs,

W3C Breakouts Day 2024 is about 5 weeks away! If you plan to propose a session (for 12 March), please take a moment to do so. We would like to receive all session proposals no later than 29 February.

To view proposed sessions:

If there are sessions of particular interest to you, we encourage you to express support through GitHub emojis.

To propose a session: <> &labels=session&projects=&template=session.yml

For information about good practices, proposing a session, and more, see:


* 29 February: Deadline for proposals
* 1 March: Draft schedule announced
* 8 March: Stable schedule announced
* 12 March: W3C Breakouts Day 2024

Please contact François Daoust and Ian Jacobs <,>  with any questions about the organization of the event.

With kind regards,
Alexandra Lacourba

Alexandra Lacourba                   <>  
W3C Global Events & Operations Coordinator
World Wide Web Consortium           

Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2024 15:36:09 UTC